Mental Health Resources

Need a break?

Visit our Virtual Relaxation Resources! On these webpages, you'll find breathing techniques, meditation strategies, and other relaxation tools. These are great tools to use when we are finding it hard to handle stress and are feeling overwhelmed.


for Teachers and Caregivers

The FACT SHEETS in the link below cover a variety of topics geared towards teachers and caregivers, and were developed by Augusta County staff. Topics include ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, etc.


Help is available. Speak with someone today.

If there is a mental health emergency, please utilize these resources:


In non-emergencies, and/or if you would like counseling support, please take a look at this document for various resources:

WMHS Counseling Resources

If your family is need of supplies, clothing, or any other basic needs, please take a look at the following list of resources:

WMHS Community Resources