In first grade, we start our day with Morning Meeting. This time helps us build community and begin our day on a positive note!

Morning Meeting is held in a circle on our rug, so that we are all included. We learn how to properly greet someone, and let each other know that we are glad to be together.

We share our thoughts or stories, sometimes about things happening outside of school, and sometimes about what we have been learning. This lets us practice how to speak to a friend or a group, and how to be a listening audience.

Then we have an activity that helps us learn cooperation, practice a skill, and makes us feel united as a group. It also helps us get our wiggles out!

Finally, we read our morning message together. This may be a review, a look at our day, or some grammar practice. It is more meaningful when we do it as a team.

Morning Meeting helps each student feel heard and understood, even when they opt to just listen instead of speaking up. It is a great way to get to know, trust, and support each other, and helps our classroom move from a group of strangers to a strong group of friends. ♥