
Participation: 30%

Classwork/Homework: 30%

Projects: 40%

Participation ~ 30%

As the class is based heavily on participation students will receive a weekly participation grade based on 20 points per day, 100 points per week.

Participation includes but is not limited to:

Daily preparedness: sketchbook, writing implement, and any necessary project materials

Daily behavior: alert and attentive with an appropriate attitude, respectful of everyone

Daily participation: active researching, prepping, or art making, appropriate responses to questions, as well as participation in class discussions, critiques and presentations


All work is expected to be made up within two days of returning to school. This includes copying notes, completing any worksheets, project work etc. Students are expected to be proactive in making up their assignments. An ‘A’ (absence) in the Genesis Gradebook will be changed to a missing assignment at the end of each marking period.

Each day spent in In-School Suspension will result in a loss of 10 points from the daily participation grade. Work will be sent and is expected to be completed during suspension. Points can be gained back at teacher’s discretion depending on how much work is completed.

Classwork / Homework ~ 30%

Students will participate in classroom activities daily. This will vary daily and include class discussions, research or actual project work. Homework may include personal research which may need to be done in preparation for a project. As the class is called Trash to Treasure, the students will often be asked to bring in “trash” for use in class projects. Do not be surprised by this!

Projects ~ 40%

Projects are graded uniquely based on the level of difficulty (appropriate for each student), adherence to guidelines, creativity, and participation throughout.

A grading rubric will be given prior to the completion of each project to allow the student to clearly understand what is expected and how he/she will be graded.

If found necessary a signature sheet will be given and will require my signature at each completed step of a project. This will ensure progress is being made and that no student falls behind.

Do not forget, daily participation grades will still be given during project weeks!