Ko te pai tawhiti, whaia kea tata. Ko te pai tata, whakamau kia tina. Seek out distant horizons and cherish those you attain. 

Join the University of Auckland Department of Statistics for our annual Statistics Teachers' Day, organised in collaboration with the Auckland Mathematics Association.

What's the plan for the day?

The event will be held at the University of Auckland city campus.

Contact information

Registration & workshop/programme queries

Anne Patel

Email: a.patel@auckland.ac.nz

Useful information and resources

You can read more about the statistics education research team at the University of Auckland here: https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/science/about-the-faculty/department-of-statistics/statistics-research/statistics-education.html

To learn more about postgraduate study in Mathematics Education, check out this page: https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/study/study-options/find-a-study-option/mathematics-education/postgraduate.html 

You can read more about the Auckland Mathematical Association here: https://www.aucklandmaths.org.nz/ 

Make sure you check out the new online teaching journal called Statistics and Data Science Educator here: https://sdse.online/ 

Also worth reading is Prismatic (Practice and Research in Statistics and Mathematics), an online journal of research and practice in mathematics and statistics education: https://prismatic.auckland.ac.nz/ 

Lastly, don't forget resources from previous Statistics Teachers' Days can be found on Census At School: https://new.censusatschool.org.nz/ 

Looking for info on Maths & Calculus day?

Check out their website here: https://sites.google.com/view/ama-maths-day/