2020 programme outline

NOTE: This is a face-to-face event and is NOT being offered via ZOOM.

8.30am Registration (Science 302 Foyer)

9am Welcome (Library basement lecture theatre B28)

9:10am Keynote 1 (Library basement lecture theatre B28)

10:10am Morning tea (Science 302 Foyer)

10.30am Session 1 Workshop (Various rooms in Science 302/303)

11.35am Session 2 Workshop (Various rooms in Science 302/303)

12.35pm Lunch (Science 302 Foyer)

1.20pm Session 3 Workshop (Various rooms in Science 302/303)

2.30pm Keynote 2 (Library basement lecture theatre B28)

3.30pm End of day

Keynote 1: Andrew Sporle

Stats done different - why it's an awesome time to be a sort of statistician in Aotearoa New Zealand

There is a data revolution happening in our little country and it's kind of a big deal worldwide. Our linked administrative data resources are considered world leading, while R freeware is transforming how analysis and graphics are done. These technical innovations are fantastic, it's the more accessible innovations that are really exciting. This talk will describe some of the cutting edge work happening in Aotearoa New Zealand to make data and robust statistical analysis available to decision makers beyond government, researchers and statisticians. This work is intended to inform changes to the whole data system, from governance, storage, measurement to analysis - and a lot of that last bit is based around something you know about called iNZight.

Keynote 2: Dr Michelle Dalrymple

10 teaching activities: whanaungatanga - teaching through relationships

Email from Anna back in August:

We would very much like to invite you to be this year's (currently face-to-face) Statistics Teachers' Day on November 30th, as our inaugural classroom-active statistics keynote speaker!!! At the end of the day, instead of workshop four, we are going to bring everyone back to hear from an expert classroom teacher (you!) who will share practical ideas and solid inspiration for teaching statistics. We are hoping you will say yes! Tell me you'll say yes and then we can talk more about details :-)

Michelle – immediately freaks out, feels honoured to be asked, humbled, scared and her imposter-syndrome bells start ringing big-time … then reads the email more carefully ... clicks that she’s been given that awesome (cough cough) last session of the day so freaks out some more, reads the last line of the email and realises that Anna’s done a beautiful job of making sure it would be really hard to say no!

So here we are at the end of November and almost the end of one of the weirdest years of my teaching career, with a keynote that is aiming to be more like an interactive workshop within the confines of a giant lecture theatre!

I have 10 statistics-themed activities I use with my classes to share with you – both big and small, both new and classics. We will reflect on how these activities support whanaungatanga, strengthen relationships within the classroom, support curriculum learning and high expectations, and are often fun and make me laugh. I hope to spark your thinking about your favourite classroom activities, why you like them and what essential elements they support in your classrooms.  Please make sure you have old-fashioned paper and a pen (as in real paper and a writing instrument of your choice, not a laptop).

Workshop information

The overview of the workshop programme should be displayed below. You can also use this link to view the document.

Workshop overview 2020

The details of each workshop should be displayed below. You can also use this link to view the document.

Workshop details 2020

If you have any questions about the programme or workshops, please email Anna Fergusson (a.fergusson@auckland.ac.nz).