U.S. History

Course Description

Students will examine basic features of United States history during the period of 1877 to the present. The course will include, but not be limited to the following: industrialization, immigration, reform, W.W.I, the twenties, depression and the New Deal, W.W.II, civil rights, the Vietnam War, and contemporary times. Within this survey course, considerable attention will be given to formation and development of geography competency skills, analyzing primary & secondary sources, bias detection, essay writing and presentation skills.

United States History 1-2 (SOC 202, 203)

Year Long Course

Open to Grades: 11, 12

Prerequisites: None

National History Day

Students will complete a rigorous long-term project for National History Day (NHD). Each student will receive two resource guides: NHD rule book and instructions/deadlines. These will have all the information needed for this project. Basically, students will create a project based on the annual theme chosen by the National History Day Corporation. They will work alone OR in a group of up to five (I recommend groups of four or less). Students will research their chosen U.S. History topic that relates to the theme and create: an exhibit, a research paper, a documentary, a website, or a performance.

2018 National History Day Regional and State Finalists