
The purpose of homework is two-fold: to reinforce what we have learned in class, and to teach responsibility. My goal is to help students develop good work habits for future years.

What to Expect

Below are two sample pictures of what second grade homework will look like. Starting in October, students will be given a double-sided sheet, which will contain a choice board on one side and a reading log on the other. Students will be asked to complete and check off at least 4 activities a week from the choice board and read for at least 20 minutes a night (Monday-Thursday). I will review the sheets every Friday and return them by Monday for the next week of 4 activities and reading log entries. Students will receive a new homework sheet each month. (In September we will start a slow transition into homework by only assigning the Reading Log portion.) Please make sure to check your child's home folder each night for their Reading Log sheet and for any other papers coming home.

The 4 activities from the choice board can be done one each night, or all in one night depending on what works best for your family's schedule. However, I ask that the 20 minutes of reading be done on a nightly basis in order for continued reading practice and progress.  


Reading Log


In September, all students will participate in a Lexia placement test.

*Students who test at Level 8 and under are encouraged to log into Lexia at home for extra practice and to catch up to grade level material.


ST Math(optional)