About DigiPhiLit

The universities of Antwerp, Ateneo de Manila, Clermont-Auvergne, Paris-Nanterre, Rey Juan Carlos and UNED come together in this Erasmus+ project to develop research on Philippine literature with digital methodologies and create a distance course.

The project has Erasmus+ funding until 2023. It will allow the organization of training activities and the preparation and creation of various materials, in particular a MOOC that will be offered as a course in European universities, the publication of a manual on Philippine literature in Spanish that will support the knowledge provided in the MOOC, a guide to good practices in the didactics of literature in distance education and a guide for the inclusion of digital resources in the teaching of literature in Spanish. The partners involved in this project work around three axes: 

digital humanities

Philippine literature in Spanish

distance learning

To learn more about the project, visit https://digiphilit.uantwerpen.be/