SOS Listservs

What is a listserv?

A listserv is an email list that contains several people (subscribers). Every time someone wants to email that group of people, they send an email to a specific address (the listserv address) and the message goes out to only those subscribed to the listserv.

The School of Sustainability uses several listervs. Below is a description of each one.

Anyone can send a message out to the SOS grad community by emailing Each message will be reviewed by the moderator before it is approved.

Please be aware: is the listserv email; is the preferred email address to use to contact SOS graduate advising (instead of the coordinator's direct email).

Sometimes we have messages about courses, training opportunities or jobs directly aimed at just the PhD students or PhD candidates. To limit the number of emails that go out to the general listserv, we created this one when we need to send PhD-only messages. 

Please email if you would like to subscribe to this listserv. It's most appropriate for PhD students and anyone who wants to work in academia.

We post non-academic jobs in our LinkedIn group page.