iPOS Creation

The Plan of Study (iPOS)

The Plan of Study (iPOS) is a contract between the student, their school, and the Graduate College. The iPOS includes information about your committee and degree requirements, such as coursework and the culminating experience. This information needs to be included before the iPOS can be  submitted and approved. The academic unit’s graduate support staff should be the primary contact regarding iPOS and degree requirements. 

Access your iPOS by clicking on the link located on your My ASU page in the My Programs box

Creating and Submitting an iPOS

Step 1: Develop your Personalized Course Plan and track your progress by completing a degree check sheet, found on the Classes and Curriculum page of this site. Be sure to check in with your committee chair/advisor while developing your course plan.

Step 2. Use the Master List of Classes or MSUS Course List  to determine which courses fulfill your program requirements. More information can be found on the Classes and Curriculum page on this site.

Step 4: Submit your iPOS as indicated on the Graduate College's iPOS How To Guide. Your Graduate Coordinator will review your submitted iPOS and approve or deny the change. You will be notified of the results through your ASU email.