TA, RA, GSA Resources

The Graduate College has many RA/TA resources on their web page

Teaching and Research Assistantships 

If you accept a TA or RA position with SOS: sign and date the letter (and all components, if there's more than one place to sign) and send it to the person who emailed you the offer AND send a copy of the signed letter to SOSGradAdvising@asu.edu. The tuition and health insurance coverage must be entered by the SOS graduate coordinator. Important information (for entering data into the system) is included in that letter.

Graduate Service Assistant (GSA)

The GSA is similar to the TA and RA except it only has a stipend (paycheck); it doesn't come with tuition or health insurance coverage. These positions will be advertised as they become available or on the student employment website. 

Securing a Teaching Assistantship (TA) or Research Assistantship (RA)

SOS Application Process: There is no application for TA or RA for incoming students. There is no application for new students, assistantships are decided with admissions.

TA: During the fall semester, if we have any spring TA positions, the graduate advisor will advertise the position through the SOSGrad listserv. The advertisement will include instructions on how to apply. If any positions are available for spring, then the ad will go out in the middle of the fall semester.

RA: You will need to talk with faculty members about these positions because RAs come from faculty-procured research grants. Check with faculty whose research areas align with your areas of research interests. Once you have a confirmed advisor (committee chair) and/or a full supervisory committee, then your best option is to talk with them about RA positions. You can work with other faculty as well, but those who fund you usually have some role on your committee. If a faculty member wants to offer you an RA, they will do so without the assistance of the SOS Advising staff. If you have a TA but are offered an RA that will overlap with the TA, you will need to choose which one you want to do (most people choose the RA). If you choose the RA, please let the graduate coordinator know so that the TA position can be given to someone else.

Note: TA and RA positions in other departments are sometimes advertised through ASU's student jobs site. Jobs may be posted under a misleading title like "teaching assistant Graduate Intern", which sounds like a TA. The capitalized part of the title is "Graduate Intern", as this job is not a teaching assistantship. If you are sent an offer letter of employment, it is important to carefully read the offer letter and to ask questions before signing. Any questions would go to the person offering the job (or the representative who sent the offer letter). Your graduate coordinator may be able to help you decipher any letters that are confusing.

Stipends and Costs

The ASU minimum stipend for TAs and RAs can be found on the Graduate College website here.

The academic pay period calendar, which indicates when you will be paid, is located here


Our TA & RA positions are usually for 20 hours per week (.50 FTE). Positions with FTE rates below .50 will have fewer benefits.

The following benefits are for half-time TA and RA positions:


GPSA Mentoring Compact

GPSA has created a document to support TAs and RAs in communicating and setting up positive working relationships with their mentors.  The document can be found here.