Welcome to the SOS Graduate Website!

This site has additional information not found in student handbooks and policy manuals for graduate students in the School of Sustainability at ASU. 

By clicking on the pages in the menu bar to the left of this message, you can view information for new and current students, including funding resources and forms. The classes and curriculum page has program-specific policies and procedures, including a link to your program check sheets and the Master List as well as the  MSUS Course List. 

Note: If you are a new student and have not already reviewed the Start Here page on the New SOS Grad Student Site, please do so before exploring this site.  

SOS Graduate Advising DEI Statement

The Graduate Student Services team in the School of Sustainability aligns its justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion work with Arizona State University’s charter. Supporting students requires that individual and collective identities are recognized and empowered. Toward this effort, we commit to a culture of critical learning and unlearning. Our work is rooted in efforts to engage and address systemic and institutional forms of oppression. We make the following commitments to advance justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in our School as we support applicants, students, and alumni in achieving their personal, professional, and academic potential.

Toward equity:

Toward diversity:

Toward inclusion:

Toward justice:

Toward learning and improvement:

DEI work is relational and ongoing, and we welcome further engagement with our commitments. Please feel free to contact Lindsey Plait Jones, Assistant Director of Graduate Academic Services, at LPJ@asu.edu