
Recent Covers

30. Sub-picosecond Dynamics of Rydberg Excitons Produced from Ultraviolet Excitation of Neutral Cuprite (Cu2O)n Clusters, n < 13. Chase H. Rotteger, Carter K. Jarman, Shaun F. Sutton, Scott G. Sayres, under review (2024).

29. Sub-Picosecond Photodynamics of Small Neutral Copper Oxide Clusters. Chase H. Rotteger, Carter K. Jarman, Shaun F. Sutton, Scott G. Sayres, under review (2024).

28. Size Onset of Metallic Behavior in Neutral Aluminum Clusters. Chase H. Rotteger, Carter K. Jarman, Shaun F. Sutton, Scott G. Sayres, under review (2024). accepted! Nanoscale, 2024

27. Ultrafast Proton Transfer and Contact Ion-Pair Formation in Formic Acid Clusters. S.F.Sutton, C. H. Rotteger, C. K Jarman, P. Tarakeshwar, S.G. Sayres. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14, 37, 8306–8311.

26. Nonadiabatic Photodissociation and Dehydrogenation Dynamics of n-Butyl Bromide Following p-Rydberg Excitation.  L. F. Heald, R.S. Gosman, C. H. Rotteger, C. K Jarman, S.G. Sayres. J. Phys Chem Lett. 2023, 14, 6278-6285.  

25. Formation of Pseudocarbynes Through Self-Assembly. H. Kim, P. Tarakeshwar, M. Meneghetti, P. R. Buseck S. G. Sayres*, Carbon 2023, 205, 546-551. 

24. Ion-Pair Formation in n-Butyl Bromide through 5p-Ryberg State Predissociation. L. F. Heald, C. L. Loftus, R.S. Gosman, S.G. Sayres, JPCA, 2022, 126, 9651-9657. 10.1021/acs.jpca.2c06777. Selected to appear in Early-Career and Emerging Researchers in Physical Chemistry Volume 2 Special Issue. Highlighted as Cover art. 

23. Limited Formation of CO3+ Through Strong-Field Ioniztion and Coulomb Explosion of Formic Acid Clusters. S.F. Sutton, C. H. Rotteger, D. M. Miller, L. M. Quiroz, P. Tarakeshwar, S. G. Sayres, J. Phys. Chem. A 2022, 126, 43, 7954–7961.

22. Theoretical Investigation of the Excited State Evolution of Neutral Cr3On and Cr4On Clusters through Sequential Oxidation. S.G. Sayres, S.F. Sutton, L.F. Heald, Accepted, Journal of Materials. Research 2022, 37, 4035-4044 (Invited article). DOI: 10.1557/s43578-022-00817-6

21. Tuning the Photodynamics of Sub-nanometer Neutral Chromium Oxide Clusters Through Sequential Oxidation, J.M. Garcia, S.G. Sayres Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 7798-7806.

20. Orbital-Dependent Photodynamics of Strongly Correlated Clusters, J.M. Garcia, S.G. Sayres, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24, 5590-5597. DOI: 10.1039/D2CP00209D.  Themed collection Stability and properties of new-generation metal and metal-oxide clusters down to subnanometer scale.

19. Effect of Oxidation on Excited State Dynamics of Neutral TinO2n-x (n<10, x<4) Clusters. J.M. Garcia, L.F. Heald, R. E. Shaffer, S.G. Sayres. J. Chem. Phys (2021), 155, 211102. 

18. Oxygen Deficiencies in Titanium Oxide Clusters as Models for Bulk Defects. L.F. Heald, J.M. Garcia, S.G. Sayres, (2021) 

17. Increased Metallicity in Neutral Cr2OnClusters (n < 5) Upon Sequential Oxidation. J.M. Garcia, S.G. Sayres, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 38, 15572-15575, (2021). 

16. Production of CO3+ through the Strong-Field Ionization and Coulomb Explosion of Formic Acid Dimer. S.F. Sutton, C. H. Rotteger, D. M. Miller, L. M. Quiroz, A. Sen, P. Tarakeshwar, S. G. Sayres, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2022, 126, 31, 5099-5106 (Highlighted on Front Cover)

15. Oscillation in Excited State Lifetimes with Size of Sub-Nanometer Neutral (TiO2)n Clusters Observed with Ultrafast Pump-Probe Spectroscopy Jacob M. Garcia, Lauren F. Heald, Ryan E. Shaffer, Scott G. Sayres, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 16, 4098-4103 (2021). 

14. Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy of neutral FenOm clusters (n,m < 16). Jacob M. Garcia, Ryan E. Shaffer, Scott G. Sayres, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2020, 24, 24624-24632.

13.  Pseudocarbynes: Linear Carbon Chains Stabilized by Metal Clusters. Hyunsub Kim, Pilarisetty Tarakeshwar, Nancy M. Fujikado, Kelsea Evraets, Anne K. Jones, Moreno Meneghetti, Peter R. Buseck, Scott G. Sayres, J. Phys. Chem. C. 2020, 124, 35, 19355-19361.

12.  State-resolved attosecond reversible and irreversible dynamics in strong optical fields, M. Sabbar, H. Timmers, Y.-J. Chen, A.K. Pymer, Z.-H. Loh, S. G. Sayres, S. Pabst, R. Santra, S. R. Leone, Nature Physics, 13, 472-478 (2017).

11.  Exposing the Role of Electron Correlation in Strong-Field Double Ionization:  X-ray Transient Absorption of Orbital Alignment in Xe+ and Xe2+, S. G. Sayres, E. Hosler, S. R. Leone.  J. Phys. Chem. A, 118, 8614-8624 (2014). 

10.  Calculation of valence electron motion induced by sequential strong field ionization.  A. N. Pfeiffer, S. G. Sayres, S. R. Leone, Mol. Phys., 111, 2283-2291 (2013).   

9.  Strong-field ionization of small niobium and tantalum clusters.  D. E. Blumling*, S. G. Sayres*, M. W. Ross, A. W. Castleman Jr.  Int. J. Mass. Spectrom., 333, 55-58 (2013).  *These authors contributed equally to this work


8.  Onset of Coulomb explosion in small silicon clusters exposed to strong-field laser pulses.  S. G. Sayres, M. W. Ross, A. W. Castleman Jr., New Journal of Physics, 14,055014 (2012).

7.  Oxygen-containing gas-phase diatomic trications and tetracations:  ReOz+, NbOz+ and HfOz+ (z = 3, 4).  V. Brites, K. Franzreb, J. N. Harvey, S. G. Sayres, M. W. Ross, D. E. Blumling, A. W. Castleman Jr., and M. Hochlaf, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 15233-15243 (2011).

Graphical abstract: Oxygen-containing gas-phase diatomic trications and tetracations: ReOz+, NbOz+ and HfOz+ (z = 3, 4)

6.  Delocalized electronic behavior observed in transition metal oxide clusters under strong-field excitation.  S. G. Sayres, M. W. Ross, A. W. Castleman, Jr.  J.Chem. Phys.  135, 054312 (2011)

5. Influence of clustering and molecular orbital shapes on the ionization enhancement in ammonia.  S. G. Sayres, M. W. Ross, A. W. Castleman Jr.  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13,12231-12235 (2011).  *Selected as a hot article

4. Strong-field ionization and dissociation studies on small early transition metal carbide Clusters via time-of-fight mass spectrometry.  D. E. Blumling*, S. G. Sayres*, A. W. Castleman Jr. J. Phys. Chem. A, 115,5038-5043 (2011).  *These authors contributed equally to this work.

3. Strong-field ionization and dissociation of small early transition metal oxide clusters. D. E. Blumling*, S. G. Sayres*, A. W. Castleman Jr.  Int. J. Mass.Spectrom. 300, 74-80 (2011). *These authors contributed equally to this work.

2. Ultrafast ionization and fragmentation of molecular silane.  S. G. Sayres, M. W. Ross, A. W. Castleman Jr.  Physical Review A, 82, 033424(2010).

1. Photoelectron imaging of small silicon cluster anions, Sin- (n=2-7).  S. J. Peppernick, D. D. K. Gunaratne, S. G. Sayres, A. W. Castleman Jr.  Journal of ChemicalPhysics, 132, 044302-044302-13 (2010)