
  • 8/1/20 - Congrats to Hyunsub Kim and Team for JPC-C Publication and Supplemental Cover Art

  • 4/1/20 - Congraulations to Brian Clark, Arizona Society for Coatings Technology Scholarship, 2018-2019, April 16, 2018

  • Congrats to the group for winning the 2019 Innovation Award in Safety

  • 11/6/19 - Sayres gives Invited Keynote Lectrue at Nature Conference: "Functional Dynamics: Visualizing Molecules in Action"

  • 6/18/19 - Sayres co-organized the XUV Mini-symposium at ISMS

  • 10/19/19 - Congratulations to Krisztina Tope for winning the Academic Research Paper Competition at the Western Coatings Society Meeting in Las Vegas

  • 10/19/19 - Congratulations to Krisztina Tope for winning the travel award!

  • 4/2/19 - Congratulations to Jacob Garcia for the Graduate Excellence Award, ASU CLAS

  • 4/19/19 - Congratulations to Brian Clark for winning The General Physics Scholarship, ASU

  • 4/19/19 - Congratulations to Ryand Wala for being awarded the Department of Physics Award for Undergraduate Research

  • 4/19/19 - Congratulations to Ryand Wala for being awarded the Barret Honors College Senior Project Award in Physics

  • 4/22/19 - Congratulations to Blake Hance for being awarded the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry Undergraduate Award

  • 4/22/19 - Congratulations to Krisztina Tope for being awarded the Arizona Society of Coatings Technology Scholarship

  • 4/22/19 - Congratulations to Nick Carballo for AFROTC Cadet recipient of the 2019 Society of American Engineers (SAME) Award

  • 4/19/19 - Congratulations to Ryan Shaffer, Oustanding Undergraduate Award, Physics Dept. ASU

  • 2/22/19 - Congratulations to Jacob Garcia, Emerging Researchers National Conference, 1st place Graduate Oral Presentation in General Category of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences. Washington DC

  • 10/1/18 - Sayres is a co-I on a KECK Foundation Award

  • 4/18/18 - Congratulations to Marty Dewitt, Arizona Society for Coatings Technology Scholarship

  • 4/9/18 -Congrats to Nancy Fujikado for successfully defending her MS Thesis

  • 4/2/18 -Congrats to Jesse Coe for successfully defending his PhD Thesis

  • 4/2/18 -Congrats to Jacob Garcia, Jacob Garcia, Graduate Excellence Award, Arizona State University CLAS Graduate Student Acknowledgement

  • 4/1/18 - Congrats to Lenin Quiroz, “Award for Scholastic Excellence for the AFROTC program.

  • 3/15/18 - Congrats to Ryan Shaffer Physics Department Undergraduate Research Symposium award, Arizona State University

  • 3/18 - Congrats to Lenin Quiroz, Participation Award for research poster at the 2018 Thirteenth Annual WAESO student research conference, March 2018.

  • 3/18 - Congrats to Ryan Shaffer, Runner Up Award for research poster at the 2018 Thirteenth Annual WAESO student research conference, March 2018.

  • 3/18 - Congrats to Jacob Garcia, 1st place Doctoral Research Poster Presentation, 13th Annual WAESO Research Conference, March 2018.

  • 2/17 - Jacob Garcia, WAESO Travel Scholarship Award, Feb. 2017.

  • 1/18 - Lauren Heald, ASU Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Individual Travel Grant

  • 9/17 - Jacob Garcia, Travel Scholarship – LSMCE 5th Annual Student Research Conference

  • 2/2017 - Jacob Garcia, 3rd Place, Doctoral Research Poster Presentation, 12th Annual WAESO Research Conference, 2017.

  • 2/17 - Jacob Garcia, Travel Scholarship, WAESO 12th Annual Student Research Conference,

  • 2016 - Nancy Fujikado, W.L. Gore 4+1 Applied Project Scholarship, 2016.

  • 2016 - Congrats to Jacob Garcia, Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO) Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Bridge to Doctorate Fellowship,