W/P/L/H Dashboard



Definition: To me work is any time spent changing the world! It involves the things you spend doing to impact.Work is supposed to make you happy because it should involve what you are most passionate about.


Reflection: I work a Management Intern position that goes for about 30 hours a week. I am also a teaching assistant for 5 hours a week. I have a curriculum designer internship. I am a full time student at ASU. With all these different responsibilities I am proud!



Definition: Time in which you rediscover who you are. Play includes the moments in which you are able to forget the real world and it's harshness and just see nothing but beauty in the world.


Reflection: It seems like I've let go of the hobbies that truly make me happy because I am so busy with my work life. I think I can make more time for just me because I have the most fun when I discover things on my own like a new museum, book, song, coffee shop...



Definition: Love is much deeper than a relationship with a significant other. To me it's the love you give yourself and the love you give this world. It is also the love you receive from friends, family, and others.


Reflection: I have a ton of love from family and friends. However, I am currently trying to work on self-love a little more. Usually, I am very insecure and I've realized I need to fall in love with being alive more and more each day. This is something I have been working on.



Definition: Health is being in a good and comfortable state in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is the most important part of life because without it you won't reach happiness or be able to truly enjoy.


Reflection: I eat, walk a lot, work out when I can, and spend some relaxing and self care time every week. However, I can definitely improve on the foods I eat instead of eating out every single time. My diet can be a lot better if I spend more time actually cooking and meal prepping.