Researching + Interviewing


Dina Elsharkawy

Dina Elsharway: Senior in Business Law and Finance

Summary: Dina defines love as care. She believes this is true whether love is romantic, or a frienship because when you care for someone, you end up loving them. Dina also believes that the biggest characteristic relationships lack is communication.

Key Findings: I learned through Dina that self-love can be gained through reflections and a lot of self-praise. When I asked her how love empowers her as a woman she responded, "I know that I can do so much through love. I know I am capable of harnessing it and using it. I feel like through love there is passion and that love, and passion can drive you to do so much like starting an organization. Like, little things too if you love it and have passion for it you have power."

Karen Ruiz

Karen Ruiz: Senior in Early Childhood and Special Education

Summary: Karen believes that love is something that makes you happy. She believes it should be something that does not take over your life, but adds to your life. Love is something you should always reflect on and keep building up. She practices self-love through exercise, reflecting, and taking herself out on dates.

Key Findings: I learned through Karen's interview that if you do not put self-love as a priority, you cannot love another person. By putting it as a priority, you will begin to feel like you have more love to give to other people. It also helps you know what you want and what you can give. When I asked her how love empowers her as a woman, she responded "In a romantice aspect it empowers me because it helps me realize my worth. It helps me know what I deserve, and I know that I can walk away from it. I am not depending on a guy to make me happy because I am already comfortable being myself."

April Granillo

April Granillo: Sophomore in Family and Human Development

Summary: April has been in a long distance relationship for three years know. She believes the most important thing about relationships is making sure there is communication. She believes that love can be very hard but it is about facing and overcoming challenges that encourage growth among both individuals in a relationship.

Key Findings: April believes that you shouldn't live life based on a scale or a time. She believes everyone is living life at their own times. When asked how love empowers her as a woman, she responded "Love empowers me because it reminds me to believe in myself and my abilities"

Other Inspirations

Fred and Far - Self Love Pinky Ring

Self Love Pinky Ring.

This is something I really want to try! I think I often forget how important it is to connect with myself and connect with the world. By using this pinky ring I will be reminded every day of the power self-love has. The rings are in a triangle shape so that any time you want to connect with yourself, you point the triangle to you and any time you want to connect with the world you point the triangle to the world.

The Path of Self Love

The Path of Self Love.

This website has a lot of amazing resources that inspire and encourage self-love. There are blogs, programs, assessments, and different coaching that helps people develop love towards themselves. I really liked this website because it is very inspiring and it provides example of real people that are making a real change within themselves. They are also associating this change in themselves with changing the world, something else I am passionate about!