The ability to navigate and access course content is even more important for students when learning remotely. Canvas adds tools and structure to the learning environment to enhance the face to face instruction happening on Zoom and provides efficiency for instructors.

How do I create a module? Why should I create modules?

Modules help students navigate course content and find all the material they will need for a particular unit, class session, week, or topic. Grouping content by modules helps a student see at a glance all of the readings, lectures, assignments, and quizzes that they are responsible for a particular period of time. It is helpful to place modules in chronological order to organize your course. Modules are blocks that contain items (pages, quizzes, assignments, or files) within them. To create a module, go to the ‘Modules’ tab in the left side panel. Click the ‘+ Module’ button and add a title for your module (Week 1, for example).

Your module will be unpublished by default, and students will not see it, or any of its contents until it is published, even if the items within the module are published. To publish the module, click on the circle icon on the right hand side. To add content to your module, click the plus icon. Then select what type of content you’d like to add from the dropdown menu. If you have several links or files to add, it is recommended that you create a page, and add those links and files, along with a little context or description, to that page. After you have created more than one module, you can drag and drop the entire module to reorder them. For more information on how to create a module, click here.

How do I create an assignment in Canvas?

To create an assignment, use the plus button on the top right corner of a module to add an item. There is a dropdown menu of options, select ‘New Assignment’ and give your assignment a name. The assignment will appear at the bottom of the module you created it in, and you can drag it up to its appropriate placement. The assignment will be unpublished by default, and students will only see it after you’ve published it. When you click on your new assignment page, you can add a rubric if you’d like to, or click the ‘edit’ button to create the content of the page. Use the rich text editor to write in instructions, add images, videos, or other embedded media.

Moving down the page, you can select the number of points you’d like to assign and whether it should be counted towards the final grade. Next you can select the submission type you’d like. If you are using a third party tool, you would select ‘external tool’ and select from a list of available tools. Otherwise, click the appropriate submission method, most likely ‘online.’ Next select the type of submission, which usually will be a file upload, but you also have the option of selecting a text entry, URL, or recording.

At the bottom of the settings is where you will enter a due date, and if you would like, an availability date range. The starting date of the available window will lock students from being able to access the page until that date, even if the page is published. Click save when you have looked over all of the settings. For more details, see this page on how to create an online assignment.

How do I create a quiz/exam in Canvas?

To create a quiz in Canvas, go to the module where you would like to place the quiz and click on the plus button in the upper right hand side. Click on the dropdown menu where it says ‘assignment’ and select ‘Quiz’ then select ‘New Quiz,’ and enter a title for your quiz. Then click ‘add item.’ The quiz will appear at the bottom of the module you have added it to, and you can drag it up to its appropriate placement in the module. The new quiz will be unpublished by default until you publish it. Click on the quiz and then ‘edit.’ In the ‘details’ tab you can add instructions and setting information. At the bottom, select a due date and availability dates. Once the ‘available from’ date has been set, students will not be able to access the quiz until that date and time, even if it is published. Click save and then ‘edit’ again and click on the ‘questions’ tab. Select ‘New Question’ or ‘New Question Group’ if you are creating question banks. Title your question (Question 1, for example) and use the dropdown to select your question type (multiple choice, T/F, fill in the blank, fill in multiple blanks, multiple answers, multiple dropdowns, matching, numerical answer, formula question, essay question, file upload question, text(no question)). The point value for each question is 1 by default, so change the number of points if it should be worth more or less than 1.

Enter your question, answer (as appropriate) and any feedback that you would like students to see for a correct or incorrect response. The green and first boxes are for correct answer feedback, the second and red box is for incorrect answer feedback, and the bottom third blue box is for general comments for everyone to see after they’ve submitted their responses. Make sure to click ‘update question’ as well as ‘save’ at the bottom of the screen. For more information on creating a quiz in Canvas, use this link.

How can I upload videos to MediaAMP or add MediaAMP videos to my Canvas page?

Uploading your video into MediaAMP

MediaAMP Upload Resource Video

MediaAMP KB article

Adding your MediaAMP video to a module

In a module, create a new page and click on the MediaAMP icon (three stacked boxes) in the rich text editor.

You can select or search for your video there. Save and publish your page. For more details and options like creating a playlist use this MediaAMP KB article.

What is Speedgrader and how do I use it?

Speedgrader makes it easy to view all of your students’ submissions online in one place without downloading each document. You can easily scroll from one assignment, marking it up and adding a grade, to the next student’s assignment. You can get to speedgrader either from the home page (under ‘To Do’ there will be a list of assignments ready to grade) or from the assignment itself. For more detailed information about how to use speedgrader, click here.

What's the best way to collect homework from students remotely?

Canvas 'Assignments' were created for this purpose. You can learn more about how to create them from the canvas help center.

What is Gradescope and how can I use it to enhance my course?

Gradescope is a third party tool that integrates with Canvas and is available for all FSE courses. Gradescope makes it easy to collect and grade student work within a single platform. It has the ability to autograde code assignments, and provides overall course and student statistics that makes it easier to spot areas of need in your class. For more information on signing up for Gradescope with LMS integration, click here. And even more information about Gradescope can be found here. If you already have a Gradescope account and would like to add it to your Canvas course, select the option for ‘if you already have an account’ and enter the code ‘go sun devils’ to be automatically approved.