

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 32nd Fall Biomedical Engineering Symposium, the signature event of our Harrington Bioengineering Program and the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering (SBHSE). Here, our graduating class of bioengineering seniors, as well as, our Master’s students, anxiously look forward to meeting you and presenting their exciting design and applied research projects. After listening to their presentations, we hope you agree that the impressive health care technology innovations proudly displayed by our biomedical engineering students suggest that they are well on their way to address the ever pressing and challenging unmet clinical needs throughout the world in the 21st Century.

The SBHSE faculty, together with, the leadership in the Fulton Schools of Engineering recognize that the need for developing an adept, innovative and entrepreneurial health care technology workforce for the MedTech Industry in Arizona and the world could not be greater in the 21st Century. The innovations of our Bioengineering students witnessed herein are a testimonial to the unyielding leadership support throughout ASU, our external advisory boards, and community partners. Moreover, the accomplishments of our students witnessed in this symposium would not be possible without the continued support of our dedicated biomedical engineering instructors, entrepreneurial clinical, industry and independent mentors, judges, graduate teaching assistants, facilitators, and professional staff. We sincerely thank all of you for contributing your time and expertise toward achieving this common goal.

We continue to be fortunate in having an ever-expanding BME community of partners who, year in and year out, tirelessly support the development of the next generation of biomedical engineering researchers, design thinkers, product developers and innovators equipped with state-of-the-art skill sets, an entrepreneurial mindset and a rich and deepening culture of innovation at ASU. Now in its 7th consecutive year as the #1 leading culture of innovation in US universities, ASU continues to fuel the rapidly emerging entrepreneurial ecosystem in Arizona. At ASU, the culture of innovation within SBHSE’s longstanding biomedical engineering program continues to fuel its next generation of health care technology leaders to tackle even the most pressing of grand challenges in health care delivery in the 21st Century. Clear evidence of SBHSE’s entrepreneurial capacity building of the 21st Century workforce in health care technology is the continued fury of successes acclaimed by our biomedical engineering design teams in taking top honors in local, regional, national and international design competitions and the rapidly increasing number of patents filed, as well as, the emergence of start-ups now becoming a reality.

SBHSE is also very proud to once again host a group of graduate engineering Master Card Foundation Scholars from our global partner, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), in Kumasi, Ghana. Now, in its fifth year, KNUST engineering students typically spend their senior year and also their graduate masters studies at ASU. Although, the cohort this year spent their ASU BME senior year virtually in Ghana last year, this year, these Ghana Master Card Foundation Scholars have been busy working on their Masters applied projects in person on the Tempe Campus. The rich diversity that KNUST and all our international BME students represent continue to bring a unique and enriching global perspective as witnessed at this symposium and evidenced throughout our SBHSE program.

Now in its fourth year, SBHSE growing partnership with Creighton University’s third and fourth year entrepreneurial medical students who are undergoing rotations at Dignity Health in Phoenix, continues to thrive. These entrepreneurial medical students take precious time from their very busy clinical schedules to identify clinical unmet needs and serve as clinical mentors for our biomedical engineering capstone design teams. These exceptionally innovative medical students continue to do an outstanding job mentoring our BME senior design students as evidenced by the quality of their innovative capstone projects. With the ASU-Creighton University partnership firmly in place, SBHSE looks forward to expand our collective vision based upon our early success with this unique model to our evolving BME medical device global health innovation program.

Lastly, we are excited to welcome our latest partnership with the Research Operation Integration Group at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. This year, three BME capstone teams have been working diligently on biomedical design projects that seek to provide innovative solutions to improve the health needs of NASA crew members.

On behalf of our BME student presenters and our dedicated staff and faculty, along with our affiliated colleagues and our clinical and industrial partners of the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering (SBHSE), we proudly present our biomedical engineering innovators and their understudies at our all virtual and 32nd continuous biannual biomedical engineering symposium. Please ‘drop in’ from wherever you may be and join us in celebrating SBHSE’s Classes of 2021/2022 and their outstanding achievements. Please do enjoy our 32nd Fall BME Symposium!

Vincent Pizziconi, PhD
Founder and Director
SBHSE Design Studio

Marco Santello, PhD
Director, SBHSE
Harrington Endowed Chair & Professor