
Ho Thai Binh

YSEALI Professional Fellow 2018

Erasmus+ Fellow

Participant of YSEALI Summit 2018

Winner of Small Grant Fund

Partner of American Center for Community First Aid Workshops

Community Partner of American Center’s Woman's Empowerment Club

Co-Founder and Director of Survival Skills Vietnam

Le Thi Xuan Mai

YSEALI Academic Fellow 2017

Project Leader of YSEALI YOUNIFIED 2018

Project Co-Leader of Alumni MDAO "Zero Plastic Waste Challenge: Small Actions, Big Impacts" 2019-2021

Project Leader of Environmental Educator: True Nature, Enlightening Approach 2021-2022

Winner of the “50 Student Environmental Ambassadors in Vietnam 2020” Project Competition

Senior Consultant at Human Capital Solutions Department, Talentnet Corporation

Le Tien Hoang

YSEALI Academic Fellow 2016

Participant of YSEALI Summit 2016

Participant of YSEALI ALUMNITIES 2016

Project Leader of YSEALI YOUNIFIED 2017

Participant of YSEALI Regional Workshop: Urban Planning & Smart Growth 2017

Mentor of YSEALI Regional Workshop: Protecting the Mekong Delta Environment 2018

Founder and President of Flagship Startup Club

Founder of Social English Center

B.O.D, Business Development at Kalpha

Do Thi Thanh Xuan

YSEALI Professional Fellow 2019

Participant of YSEALI Summit 2019

Project Leader of PFP Outbound project 2019: Consulting the operation and training for the future human for the Business Incubator in Daklak Province

Representative of Vietnam in AITSS Forum

Vice Curator of Global Shaper Community Dalat Hub

Lecturer at Tay Nguyen University

Tran Khanh Trang

YSEALI Academic Fellow 2016

Founder of Pan Adventures and Pan Organic

Participant of World Youth Congress

Participant of Dalai Lama Fellowship

Participant of ISFiT

Coordinator/Trainer of Zero Plastic Waste, Empower Provincial Youth and U.S Embassy Hanoi Provincial Outreach programs

Nguyen Hoang Viet

YSEALI Professional Fellow 2017

Participant of YSEALI Summit 2015

Mentor & Speaker of YSEALI Regional Workshop: Marnie Debris Expedition 2018

Participant of Empowering Youths Across ASEAN Program 2019

Founder of iTeach Project 2015, YSEALI Seeds for the Future Grant

Winner of Alumni Small Grant 2021

Founder & CEO of Dream&Do School Vietnam

Vu Quynh Trang

YSEALI Academic Fellow 2021

Participant of YSEALI Regional Workshop: STEM Education 2018

Founder and CEO of Summer Camp Startup 2017-2019

Founder of Public Speaking Summer Camp 2019, YSEALI Micro Grant

Winner of Miss Bravery and Top 10 Miss Universe Vietnam 2019

External Relations Director at Shinko

Duong Minh Chien

YSEALI Academic Fellows 2018

Project Leader of YSEALI YOUNIFIED 2018

Participant of YSEALI Summit 2019

Coordinator of English Access Microscholarship Program at An Giang University 2015-2018

Facilitator and Mentor of Mekong Delta Youth Camp 2016

Organizing Team Member of YSEALI Regional Workshop: Protecting the Mekong Delta Environment 2018

Project Co-Leader of Alumni MDAO "Zero Plastic Waste Challenge: Small Actions, Big Impacts" 2019-2021

Academic Manager at PEMA English Language Center

Nguyen Duy Cuong

YSEALI Professional Fellow 2019

Project Leader and Partnership Manager of TRASHalive 2019, YSEALI Seeds for the Future Grant

Project Co-Leader of Co Mai Home of Enlightenment 2015-2017

Project Executive Official and Financial Sustainability Manager of E2CATION 2020

Advisor of Engaging STEAM Education in Central Vietnam, Public Diplomacy Grant 2020

Project Representative and Mentor of Grow Beyond Crisis 2020-2021

Project Coordinator of Cultivate Climate Leadership 2021, YSEALI Micro Grant

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Official at Knowhere Makerspace

Youth Development Fellow at the Nguyen Quang Dieu High school for the Gifted, Dong Thap

Nguyen Xuan Hue

Global Udergraduate Exchange Program 2008-2009

Host, Mentor and Organizing Member of YSEALI Regional Workshop: Protecting the Mekong Delta Environment 2018

Instructor of English in the Access Microscholarship Program 2016-2018

Organizer of Enhancing EFL primary teachers’ language proficiency and pedagogical competences in An Giang province project.

Research Asssistant of Living Deltas Hub - Work Package 1 (WP1: Heritage, Livelihoods and Delta Living: pasts, presents and alternative futures)

Vice-head of Gender Equality Club of An Giang University, VNU-HCMC

English teacher, Faculty of Foreign Languages, An Giang University, VNU-HCMC

PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics, University of Macau (January, 2022)