UES Diagnostic Test

We strongly encourage but are not requiring that all G10 students take this test. We will offer a make-up test in early fall. With very few exceptions, we do not recommend that students start testing until December of their junior year.

What is this and why do we do this?

The ACT and SAT are two very different tests (see attached) that many universities ask for as part of a university admission. This test will provide a detailed report that will help students determine which test - ACT or SAT - they are most suited to. We want to emphasize that this is not something for students to be nervous about - there are no high stakes here. The report is not used for any other reason, e.g. course placement, and is designed to be purely helpful in making plans in the months to come. Students should not "prep" for this test.

The report will be emailed to advisors, students and parents after the test. G10 Advisors will discuss the report with their advisee. There is no cost to families for this test.

The Test:

  • The test has suggested timing for students with or without accommodations and should take 1.5-2 hours (and no more than 3 hours for students with accommodations) to finish the test: this includes the built-in break times.

  • The test must be taken on a laptop in one sitting in a quiet location.

  • Please plan to have an adult in the room during the test for technical issues and to monitor timings for the student.

  • Students with accommodation will have to indicate that they require extra time at the beginning of the test.