Frequently asked questions

1. Creating an account

How do I create an account for the SAT?

Visit the College Board's website and create an account.

How do I create an account for the ACT?

Please visit the ACT website in order to create an account.

2. Choose ASL as a test center

I'm trying to register for the ACT and I can't see ASL as a testing center! What do I do?

ASL is a private test center. This means that we do not appear under the College Board's or ACT's list of public test centers. You'll need to provide them with special codes in order to register at ASL. When registering for the ACT, make sure you use our six digit 'test center code' : 874550

I'm trying to register for the SAT and I can't see ASL as a testing center! What do I do?

When registering for the SAT, make sure you use our five digit 'test center code' : 57180

3. Check your registration dates and deadlines

When is the deadline to register for the SAT?

The deadlines for this year's SAT's can be found on this website.

When is the deadline to register for the ACT?

The deadline for this year's ACT's can be found on this website.