21st Century Cosmology:
Tensions, Anomalies & New Physics
August 21 - 23, 2024 | Ashoka University
The conference aims to highlight and discuss the recent developments in the field of theoretical and observational Cosmology as well as the outstanding problems in the field which have gained attention of the community in the recent past. We aim to highlight the following topics:
H0 and σ8 tensions, their plausible solutions and outstanding issues
Parity violation in CMB and LSS and their implications
Cosmological implications of Gravitational Waves, with emphasis on the detections by PTA/LIGO
Inflationary and non-inflationary generations of Primordial Black Holes
JWST new results and their cosmological implications
Upcoming cosmology observations, including DESI/EUCLID/LSST
21 cm Global Signal Experiment: scope and implications
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Susmita Adhikari, IISER Pune, India
Suratna Das, Ashoka University, Sonepat, Haryana, India
Koushik Dutta, IISER Kolkata, India
Rajeev Kumar Jain, IISc Bangalore, India
Rishi Khatri, TIFR Mumbai, India
Anjan Ananda Sen, CTP, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, India
Local Organizing Committee @Ashoka:
Dipankar Bhattacharya
Suratna Das
Debadyuiti Ghosh
Umang Kumar
Bikram Phookun
Kandaswamy Subramanian
Sudarshana Banerjee
Shiwani Katiyar
The organizers gratefully acknowledge Ashoka University for all the infrastructure and collegial support
The organizers gratefully acknowledge and appreciate Axis Bank for their generous support, which has enhanced the success of the conference