
All fundraising that the AHS Student Council does either gets put back into the school (to help purchase supplies and equipment, run programs, etc.) or is used for charitable donations.  Some of our recent donations are listed below.

Electronic Sign

In 2019 - 2021, the Student Council (along with the Town of Ashland and the Class of 2020) helped to fund the construction and installation of the electronic sign in the front of the high school.

Banners in the Parking Lot

In 2017 and then again in 2022, the Student Council purchased banners to go on the light posts in the parking lot.

MCAS / AP Exams Snacks

Annually the Student Council purchases snacks for students taking the MCAS and AP exams.

Drinking Fountain Retrofitting

The Student Council purchased retrofit kits (and paid for the plumbing work) for three drinking fountains in the high school, converting them into Water Bottle filling stations.  This is also help cut down on plastic water bottle usage.

Departmental Supplies

In 2024 and again in 2025 the Student Council donated approximately $300 to each department at the high school to purchase supplies beyond what their budget would have allowed.

Donations to the Ashland Emegency Fund

Our annual "Clocker Idol" event has raised money for the Ashland Emergency Fund, helping out local families in town who suddenly find themselves in need.

"Helping Our Own" Fund

In June of 2024, the Student Council Donated $2000 to the "Helping Our Own Fund", run by Ms. Pavia-Shiels, designed to help students who need financial assistance in order to participate in activities.