Class Officer Requirements

Responsibilities and Requirements of All Class Officers

All officers:

  • Represent your class in all dealings with administration, faculty, staff, and community members, and behave accordingly.

  • Attend all class officer and student council meetings on time.

  • Take a leadership role in all class functions (including arriving early, setting up, cleaning up, etc.).

  • Communicate with the advisors, other officers, and student council members, including frequent email communication.

  • Communicate to the class as a whole regarding issues and events that relate to the class.

  • Encourage all members of the class to participation in class activities and event.

  • Participate in three Student Council events per term.

  • Maintain academic and behavioral eligibility.

Additional Responsibilities for Specific Positions:


  • Run all officer meetings in coordination with the advisor.

  • Address the entire class at full class meetings.

  • Take a leadership role in planning all class activities.

  • Check-in on a regular basis with your advisor.


  • Assume the role of the president if the president is unavailable or unable to serve.

  • Take a leadership role in planning all class activities.

  • Work directly with other officers to ensure that they are meeting their responsibilities.


  • Compile the agenda for upcoming meetings.

  • Write and maintain the minutes of all meetings and distribute these to all officers.

  • Assist the advisor with record-keeping.


  • Coordinate the collection of class dues.

  • Work with the financial director of student activities and advisor on proper procedure for all deposits and withdrawals from your account.

  • Coordinate the collection and counting of money at all events.

Historian / Publicity Officer:

  • Take and collect photos from all class events and share with the advisor.

  • Collect and archive artifacts from all class events.

  • Take a leadership role in publicizing events (both in print and electronically)

  • Encourage class participation in class events.

Student Council Representative:

  • Support any officer when necessary.

  • Participate in an additional Student Council event (for a total of three) per term.

  • Attend all major events run by the Student Council.

Consequences for not fulfilling class officer responsibilities:

Fulfillment of elected class officer duties:

  • If an elected class officer is not fulfilling his/her responsibilities as described above, the class advisor will send the officer a letter stating which responsibilities are not being met. The advisor will set a “probation” time period (generally 2-4 weeks) during which the officer needs to improve and meet their designated responsibilities. The officer should have a conversation with the advisor about upcoming opportunities to improve.

  • If the officer does not meet their designated responsibilities during the probation time period, they will have a meeting with Ms. St. Coeur and the class advisor to determine whether they remain a class officer.


  • As stated in the responsibilities above, attendance at all class officer meetings and student council meetings is expected. Class officer attendance requirements will mirror the student council attendance requirements stated in Article 6, Section 5 (statements of “student council meetings” have been replaced with “class officer meetings and class events”). Attendance requirements and consequences for absences are as follows:

    • All class officers, regardless of position, are required to be present at all class officer meetings and class events. If absent from school on the day of a class officer meeting or class event, the absence is excused. Students coming in late to school, due to first period study hall, are not excused from meetings. If a student has a conflict on the day of a meeting, the student should notify the advisor before the meeting, and their absence may be excused, at the advisor’s discretion.

    • If a student arrives fifteen or more minutes after the meeting has begun, the student will be considered absent without an excuse.

    • After a second unexcused absence from a class officer meeting or class event, the student will be put on probation and will receive a letter of warning from the advisor. After a third unexcused absence from a class officer meeting or class event, the student will no longer be a class officer.

Student Council Participation

  • If an elected class officer is removed from Student Council, they will no longer be a class officer. Officers should be familiar with the Student Council Constitution Article 6 (academic eligibility, chemical health, participation requirements, responsibility requirements, and attendance requirements).

Revised May 2016