Needs List

We depend on the generosity of our community for donations that enable us to succeed in our mission. We work hard to maximize every dollar and donation. We greatly appreciate your support. Below is a list of items we need on a regular basis.

Items can be dropped off at the Ashby House Family Shelter office, 150 S. 8th Street or our Cornerstone Office at 204 S. 8th Street

*Donation acceptance is subject to change due to Covid-19*

Toilet paper

Twin size sheet sets

Twin size blankets


Paper towels

Dish cloths

Laundry detergent

Dish soap


Feminine hygiene products


Cold and Flu Medication (alcohol-free)

Ibuprofen / Acetaminophen (Tylenol)


Diapers (Sizes 1-5)

Diaper rash ointment

Baby lotion

Baby shampoo

Antibiotic ointment

Baby wipes


Latex gloves

Multi-surface cleaner

Lysol spray & Wipes

Women's underwear and bras (new)

Children's underwear (new)

Women's socks (new)

Children's socks (new)

Cash donations

Office supplies (scotch tape, dry erase markers, copy paper, etc.)

Gift cards (gas - Casey's/food-Dillon's)

Children's school supplies (construction paper, markers, crayons, white glue, scissors, backpacks, etc.)