ASFM Annual Report 2018 - 2019

Proud of where we were! Proud of where we are! Proud of where we are going!

This powerful phrase has been ringing in the ears of many ASFM Eagles over the past year as we have celebrated the school’s 90th anniversary with alumni, students, staff, parents, and special guests. The 90th anniversary main event took place on Saturday, October 13th at which time we hosted more than 500 proud alumni on campus for an afternoon of reminiscing, fun, food, tours, and the unveiling of the iconic ASFM mural. With much pride and anticipation, the original ASFM mural that was designed for and built on the Missouri campus between the years of 1968 and 1970 was unveiled to the public after four months of restoration. This beautiful “old/new” mural clearly displays the true ASFM themes of academics, athletics, the arts, diversity, local history, global vision, and overall Eagle pride. If you have not had the chance to see the mural first hand, I invite you to school to partake in a wonderful, breathtaking experience.

During the multiple celebrations this past year, as the Superintendent of ASFM, I spoke to the community about the reasons why I chose to move to Monterrey to work at ASFM more than five years ago. I emphasized the school’s global reputation, growth mindset, strong traditions, supportive community, and excellent staff and student body as the reasons why I accepted the challenge of following in Dr. Keller’s footsteps and leading this top school to even greater heights.

As we conclude our 90th year, finalize year 4 of our 5-year strategic plan, and continue to plan for the future that lies ahead of our students, I invite the entire community to utilize your pride of the past as a strong foundation for a fast paced, innovative, highly different future! What worked for past generations will not necessarily meet the needs of the future. We must work together to honor the past and build the future, no matter how different, hard, unique or challenging that might be.

This challenge should not frighten any of us as I am certain that the Eagle community will rise to the occasion once more and continue to focus on what is best for students, for learning, for the school, for Monterrey, for Mexico and for the world.

In learning,

Dr. Michael W. Adams


Strategic Plan

School Profile


90 Years Proud

SOAR Magazine