President's message

Dear ASFM parents, students and staff,

In my final year as the ASFM School Board President, it has been my privilege to work alongside the other School Board members, the Associate Board members, and the School Administration to ensure school quality, community engagement, and overall strategic improvement. The School Board’s focus this year has been on the execution of the fourth year of our strategic plan, the 90-year celebration, general oversight of school improvement, accountability, transparency, communication, best practices in governance, and the continuation of the Edge of Excellence fund raising campaign.

The School Board and the School Administration are taking important steps to ensure that all students be provided with a top-quality education and a clear path to their dreams and potential. This year a total of 68 of our High School graduates applied to international colleges, resulting in extremely high rates of acceptance.

We are eager to continue working with all of our stakeholders to ensure that everyone’s needs are met. Our communication with our stakeholders continues to progress, As a Board, we received a total of 64 emails, mostly parents, all of which were responded to and addressed properly. We also received reaccreditation as a school from AdvancEd with high praises. We continued as well with our best practices of auditing and improved business processes which will help support a better school looking into the future.

We are positive that together, we will be able to ensure that ASFM continues to improve in terms of its reputation as one of the best international schools of the world


Carl Grobien

ASFM Board President