AdvancED Reports

AdvancED Vice President for Latin America recommends ASFM for re-accreditation with the “highest enthusiasm”!

According to their website, “AdvancED is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that conducts rigorous, on-site reviews of a variety of educational institutions and systems to ensure that all learners realize their full potential. The goal of accreditation is not to certify that educational institutions are good enough. Rather, the commitment is to help these institutions continuously improve.”

Using research-based standards and evidence based criteria, the AdvancED engagement team examined our entire school during the first week of April (policies, programs, practices, learning conditions and cultural context) to determine how well we carry out our vision and meet the needs of our learners.

The overall engagement review went very well and the visiting team was very impressed with our school, our vision, our strategic plan, the work we have done over the past five years, and the amazing opportunities we provide to our students and to our entire community on a daily basis. In the concluding remarks by Dr. Dennis Klump, Vice President of AdvancED for Latin America, he stated that “ASFM is one of the top, if not the top school in Latin America.”

The AdvancED team’s final presentation highlighted the following trends and activities that demonstrate a long lasting, positive impact on our community and school:

  • The School allocates and protects human and material resources to foster school facilities and learning spaces that galvanize the vision and mission of the school.
  • The school community environment reflects high levels of stakeholder commitment to the school’s core vision, mission, and values and shows a deeply ingrained pride in the educational program.

The presentation also provided us with ideas and suggestions for future adjustments and / or improvements in the areas of:

  • Curriculum review
  • Data policies and processes
  • Evaluation and supervision systems
  • Board member professional training

The April external review was a great reminder of all of the wonderful things that occur on a daily basis at ASFM. This review has also given us some great feedback and input on areas that we can continue to perfect and improve for the future. I would like to thank the community for their trust, commitment, dedication, and love for our school.

The following presentations will provide you more information regarding this external review.

ASFM Continuous Journey

Annual Report AdvancED Exit Report - ASFM