HMS Teams


Cascade Mountains

Welcome to the Cascade Mountains Team!

It has been a pleasure to get to know your students over the past few days. So far, your students have created social contracts, participated in getting to know you activities, and played team building games with one another. Being back in person has been great. One thing that students have said in several classes is that they are enjoying getting to see their friends and to get to do some of the same beginning of the year activities as they have in the past.

We would really like to encourage the use of the parent app for Canvas this year. This is a way for you to stay up to date with assignments and due dates, as well as help you and your student stay on the same page with regard to school. You can download the app from either the Google Play or iTunes store. The parent app is blue and the student app is red.

  • You will need a code from your students account in order to pair your account to theirs. You will find this by logging into their canvas account and following these steps:

  • click account

  • click settings

  • scroll to the bottom

  • click pair with observer

  • type the code into the parent account

This is no way required, we just thought that we would pass along the information on how to stay caught up with student work through canvas. Please email us if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year.

-Chantal Davis, Christine Duprow, Courtney Moonan, Lindsay Weingartner, and Rena Witter

Video links:

Canvas Student App directions

Canvas Parent App directions

Team Link:

From Ms. Witter (ELA Resource)

Hello! We are reading selections, learning vocabulary, both from stories and academic vocabulary, and focusing on comprehension and the ability to paraphrase, summarize and synthesize from the work we have read. Students will also be journaling their reactions to the stories, becoming more familiar with story process and clear, concise writing techniques. My goal is to have my 8th grade students well prepared for the Language Arts classes they will have in high school.

Revelation Mountains

Dear Team Revelation Students and Parents,

Wow, what an amazing start to the new school year! Our team is impressed with how quickly students have picked up routines and their eagerness to learn.

Language Arts (Foley):

This year, we will be using the Inside curriculum. We will read a variety of short stories and non-fiction excerpts to help students increase their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. The text can be found in Clever if students need to access it from home. Starting the week of August 30th, we will begin reading Fever 1793 by Laurie Hulse Anderson. This will culminate in a class art project that will be displayed for the whole school to enjoy. We will have a guest in our classroom for the first quarter. Please welcome our student teacher, Adam Martinez.

Language Arts (Franklin):

We are beginning the year with a unit on narrative writing. So far, some of the best moments in language arts have been reading students’ creative resolution paragraphs for the short story, The Elevator by Wiliam Sleator. Soon we will begin reading and analyzing a variety of biographies and autobiographies. This will help prepare students for an autobiography writing task. For this writing we will work through the writing process. We will brainstorm ideas, organize our thoughts, and write a first draft. Students will then work with a writing group to help with editing and revising.

Math (Wainwright):

This year in Math 7 we will begin the new iReady Curriculum. I am very excited for this curriculum because it focuses on the importance of having a deeper understanding of mathematics while working in partners and groups through real-world applications. For the month of September, we will continue working on ratios and rates. Students in Pre-Algebra will be working on basic concepts, algebraic vocabulary, and integer operations. This will allow us to reason abstractly and quantitatively. We will also learn how to plot points on a coordinate plane.

Science (Dykstra):

We have just started our study of scientific inquiry, and will soon begin studying SI measurement. Over the next few weeks we will be exploring these concepts with some fun labs. Students will be completing most assignments in their science notebooks, we have been setting these up and practicing taking notes in them.

Social Studies (Whitesell):

In social studies we completed a project called We are all Connected. This was our intro into why we study geography as we also get to know each other. We are learning to take notes, keeping up with current events through summaries of CNN10, and diving into map skills.

ELL Newcomers Academy (Chico)

NC SS - We are still in the process of learning procedures and routines, and we have started our Map Skills in preparation for our Geography units this first semester.

NC ELA - We have started organizing our notebook and learning to take notes. We just finished a textbook scavenger hunt to learn the layout of our resources better. We will focus on reading strategies next. Next week, students will take their iReady Reading Assessment.

NC Math - We started with Math Talks and just got done with our iReady Fall Assessment. We will get started on our iReady curriculum next week, with Lesson 0. Lesson 0 is the introduction/review of our new Math curriculum iReady Mathematics.

NC Science - We started with What is Science? and what makes us scientists. We are currently working on observations and inferences. We get to observe a live-streamed Aquarium online and get to practice observations outside our classroom. We will have our first experiment next week, Seed Germination.

Mount Olympus


Welcome to seventh grade science! I am excited to be back this fall and I'm looking forward to doing science labs. This quarter, we are starting with the scientific method and exploring vocabulary related to experiments. Near the end of the quarter, we will move onto biology. We have an online textbook, and we also use several other books in the classroom. I will go over how to use all our sources during class. Feel free to email with questions or concerns.

-Lauren O’Connor


Hello. Every day in 7th grade Language Arts, we will be responding to Growth Mindset Warm-up prompts, practicing grammar, and writing our agenda in our Planners. SpringBoard is our primary curriculum. By now your student should have a 7th grade SpringBoard textbook. Unit 1 is titled The Choices We Make. Throughout this unit, we will endeavor to answer the following essential questions:

1) How do authors use narrative elements to create a story?

2) What are the elements of effective revision?

To answer these questions, we will be focusing on specific goals, as well as defining and using both academic and literary vocabulary.

Please feel free to email me at with any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you!

-Mrs. Noel Lake


Hello! Welcome to math with Mr. Priest! For Math 7, we are starting Ready Math - a new curriculum focusing on the process of solving problems. In Pre-Algebra we will begin our first unit starting with Integer Operations. Be sure to bring your Chromebook, pencil, and notebook every day. -Mr. Priest


GREETINGS from your child’s Social Studies teacher! My vocation in life is teaching young people about life and geography! Your child will be learning about earth processes, the people living on our planet, and current events that affect us all. During the 1st Quarter, I’ll be focusing on basic geography skills, note taking, and world current events. I celebrate Constitution Day (September 17) by presenting a thorough investigation of the Bill of Rights - one of our great historical documents. We will start the geography training by discussing climates and the geography of North America, including Alaska and the US. Look for my Parent letter coming out at Open HOUSE (September 1)! - Mr. Petrash

Wolverine Peak

Team Wolverine Peak students should plan to bring the following items to all core classes:

  • 3-ring binder with tabs for each class

  • Lined paper

  • Pencil

  • Charged Chromebook

  • Planner (once issued)

In Ms. Gregovich’s Social Studies class, students are working on the Historiography unit. Historiography is the process of creating a historical narrative by evaluating, analyzing, and interpreting primary and secondary sources. If you can’t contact Ms. Gregovich through Canvas, please email with any questions or concerns at

In Mr. Gumlickpuk’s Math 8 class, students will begin to learn about geometry and rigid transformations on a coordinate plane. In addition, students will begin to identify congruent shapes and similar shapes.

In Algebra, students will also be exploring algebraic ideas. They will learn about distributive property, combining like terms, and properties of equality in order to be able to solve any algebraic expression.

In Mrs. Black’s ELA class, students are learning about the hero’s journey archetype. Throughout our current unit of study, students will read and analyze both fiction and nonfiction texts for evidence of the hero’s journey archetype in use.

In Mr. Mittelstadt’s Science class, we are learning how to safely experiment in our class!! Make sure that Safety Contract form is signed by both the student and parents. We will be exploring the world of science by learning how scientists think and explore the world around them. Scientific Inquiry and how to organize data will be our main focus this month.


Social Studies (Mr. Dyer)

In Mr. Dyer’s Social Studies classes, students are learning to create projects in Google Slides and Docs, preparing them for assignments later in the year. Our first project was a slide show call “All About Me” that let students share information about themselves.

Language Arts (Mr. Denney)

Mr. Denney’s Language Arts classes are beginning the first unit in the Springboard Curriculum. In eighth grade classes, we are looking at life’s challenges and heroism by studying "The Hero’s Journey" in literature. In seventh grade classes, we are looking at the nature of choice by studying literature that explores choice.

Mr. Denney’s Drama class has been doing activities to jump-start imaginations, and to get to know one another. This class is an introduction to Drama, and we will be starting with the vocabulary of theater, and improvisation.

Language Arts & Electives (Ms. Knight)

In Ms. Knight’s Strategies for Success, class we’re working on learning the difference between growth and fixed mindsets. Students are learning how to transition from having a fixed mindset to a growth one.

In Ms. Knight’s Drama classes, we’re learning about improv. Students are playing different improv games and becoming more comfortable with putting themselves out there in regard to acting.

In Ms. Knight’s Language Arts 8 class, students are diving into SpringBoard curriculum. Students are beginning to discuss what heroism is and what they think are some literary and real-life examples of heroes.

Math (Mr. McKenzie)

In Mr. McKenzie’s Geometry class we are working on a unit of algebra review and geometric transformations. In 8th grade math, we are starting a unit on geometric transformations. And in 7th grade math we are learning scale and scale drawings.

Math (Ms. Lurtsema)

In Ms. Lurtsema’s 7th and 8th grade Math Resources classes, the students did the iReady diagnostic test and after test completion, worked on iReady Math lessons. In 7th Grade Math Resource, we’re using TransMath to learn about place value. In 8th Grade Math Resource, we’re using TransMath to learn about fractions using number lines.

Science (Mr. Oliver)

In Mr. Oliver’s 7th grade science classes, we are studying the scientific method, lab safety, and the metric system. Soon we will begin our studies on cell biology and the kingdoms of life.

In Mr. Oliver’s 8th grade science classes, we are studying the scientific method, lab safety, and the metric system. Soon we will begin our studies on types of matter and chemical interactions.

In Mr. Oliver’s 8th grade advanced science class, we are studying the scientific method, lab safety, the metric system, and observational studies. Soon we will begin our studies on types of matter, chemical interactions, and chemical equations.

Lazy Mountain (PE/HEalth)

Hello Hanshew Families,

Welcome back! We’re all very excited to have students back in the building (and back in the gym) and looking forward to a fantastic 2020-2021 school year. It’s going to take a little bit of time to the knock the rust off but students are already well on their way to getting back into the flow of things, and we in the Hanshew PE department are committed to supporting them along the way. Below we’ll be sharing a few basics about the Hanshew gym and gym class routine that we thought families will want to know in order to help their students excel in their PE classes this semester.

Gym Lockers- Hanshew PE students will each be assigned a gym locker where they will store the gym clothing and gear they will need for class. It will be that student’s responsibility to lock their gear up each day and to keep track of their lock.

Gym Clothing and “Dressing Out”- Now that students are entering middle school, their gym routine will be a little different than it was in elementary school. All students will be required to dress out in their approved gym clothing each day for class. Students will be given time in the gym locker rooms before and after class to change.

Approved gym clothing for students will consist of their official Hanshew T-shirt (for purchase for $8), some form of athletic pants or shorts (not jeans), and a pair of clean non-marking athletic shoes.

If students forget their gym clothing at home, they will have the option of borrowing gear for the day and will still receive full points for that class period. However, it is that student’s responsibility to ask a teacher before class attendance is taken.

Hanshew T-Shirts- The required Hanshew T-shirts must be worn every day for gym class and are available for purchase for $8. They may be purchased at school by students from the main office (cash or check) or online via credit card.

Note: We do have some extra Hanshew shirts that will be available free of charge to those families suffering from financial hardships. Other necessary gym gear may be available via request.

Mask Mandates in the Gym- The ASD mask mandate requires every student, staff member, and visitor to wear a mask while indoors. This will apply to the gym and gym locker rooms as well. However, when students are outdoors for class, mask use will be optional and will be a personal choice for each student individually.

Students Absences and makeup- If a student is absent from class for any reason, it is that student’s responsible to complete a PE make up form and turn it in to their P.E. teacher in order to receive full points for that day. PE makeup forms can be found in the gym or online. The forms will consist of 20 minutes of physical activity outside of P.E. class which may include practice for an outside team or club.

Medical No-Participation Days: If an injury or illness will keep a student form being able to participate in gym class, a parent/guardian note will be required in order for that student to be excused. If a student cannot participate in class due to an illness or injury lasting more than 3 days in a row, a doctor’s note will be required.

Note: If a doctor’s medical diagnoses will keep a student from participating for over 4 weeks, we will look at getting that student moved into another elective for that semester.

Montes Rook (FINE ARTS)

“The Anchorage School District’s Fine Arts Department is a major instructional gateway for students to develop their talent, abilities and interests in Art, Music and Theatre.” – Anchorage School District Fine Arts Department

We would like to take this time to welcome all of our new students. We, in the Hanshew MS Fine Arts Department are looking forward to exploring each student’s talents and skills this coming semester. It’s going to be a great year, and we can’t wait to get a glimpse of the amazing work each student will create, whether musically or visually.

Some may consider the arts “fluff” or a throw away class, but everything you see has been touched, in some way, by the arts.

Machu Picchu (SPANISH)

When learning Spanish at Hanshew Middle school, students will build basic skills in speaking and writing in Spanish. Students will also learn about Spanish-speaking cultures around the world and in our own country, including cultural and linguistic differences between Spanish speaking populations.

With a curious and adventurous attitude, plus some hard work in class and at home, you will succeed in the Spanish course. I love the Spanish language and the many cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. I hope you will love learning about the language, culture, and history of the Spanish-speaking world.

Mauna Kea (CTE)

Welcome to CTE!

Hanshew is offering the following classes this year:

PLTW: Innovators & Makers taught by Mr. Bushey

In this class students learn how to use block coding in order to interact with a Micro:bit.

Computer Technology taught by Mr. Bushey

In this class students learn the basics of computers, the internet, and delve into a variety of projects that include coding and multimedia development.

Applied Technology taught by Mr. Korniczky

In this class students create and build a variety of projects including CO2 powered cars.