2do-3er Grado

¡Noticias del aula de español!-News from the Spanish classroom!

Los buenos modales

Good manners are important in any language. We are starting the year learning the phrases that will be part of our language agreement in Spanish class. The agreement is a list of phrases we agree to only use in Spanish during Spanish class. Please use this slide show to help practice the phrases we use to practice good manners at school. Thank you for your support!

Los Buenos Modales

Look at us learning!
Our 2nd and 3rd graders matching good manners phrases
with scenarios to use them. 

Señora se dice

Señora se dice

This slide show is an extensive list of classroom phrases we are working on mastering and it is impressive how much students have retained from past years! Take a look at them and give each a try at home to help support your child's comprehension here at school.

Check out past adventures in Spanish language-culture exploration

Estoy agradecido cheat sheet.pdf

Estoy agradecida por mis alumnos fabulosos

I am grateful for my fabulous students. The 2nd and 3rd grade classes have been worked on expressing gratitude about a wide variety of things. They took them home the week after Thanksgiving to give the school a chance to marvel at their work first. 

Anaya Latin Dance

All our students took classes with our special guests Anaya Latin Dance with thanks to the Alaska State Council of the Arts. This grant was awarded to Inlet View in August and put into place with support of our Inlet View PTA. This was a wonderful community collaboration here are some fun pictures and videos of our joyful exploration of Cuban dance and culture with Ciro and Liz Anaya. 


Mr. Stanton

Check out this short video of Mr. Stanton's class having fun with Ciro as they learn new steps. 


Mrs. Gamble

Mrs. Gamble having fun with her class as they learn some new dances with Ciro. 


Ms. Caldwell

Watch this short video of Ms. Caldwell's 3/4 combo class having fun on the dance floor. 

Thank you letters from our 3rd graders. 

We worked together to reflect on our experience including what we enjoyed, what we learned, what further questions we have and what we might like for future dance classes. The Spanish phrases we used to create these letters are me gustó, yo aprendí, me pregunto and la proxima vez. Students chose what felt true for their experience from our class brainstorm list and after writing they practiced reading their work to peers and listening to the work of their classmates as well. This was a big confidence builder for students as they realized they could already begin to build sentences with support. ¡Muy bien hecho!

Whit B. 3rd grade

Leland H. 3rd grade

Gus S. 3rd grade

Take a look at some of the cool projects from years past!

Escritura Narrativa

Students worked hard on creating their own story summary with scaffolding from whole group retelling of what happened in the story. 

Escritura Narrativa

Students picked four things that occurred in the story that they wanted to write about. Their drawings were done first to support their writing. 

Escritura Narrativa

Students took turns reading their work to peers to gain fluency in reading and confidence in pronunciation. They are making excellent progress.

Literacy Centers

Our Donors Choose project for literacy center materials was fully funded and we are reaping the benefits school wide. Our 2nd and 3rd graders well so engaged it was wonderful to see! 

New Challenges

Literacy in math is familiar and also a challenge thinking about simple problems with Spanish vocabulary gives students some comfort and some challenge, they had option on how to add more vocabulary and many took on the extra challenge!

Same Great Attitudes!

We also had some stations that were go at your own pace such as our 'Sopa de Letras' or Word Searches. Students 'buscan' key vocabulary from the story the read and listened to, Día de Nieve by Ezra Jack Keats.

Check out our newest simple and fun language support that we learned about! Remember being principled means we show our curiosity by investigating ideas outside of school too!

 ¡Canciones Para Cantar y Disfrutar!

Icon-Los Animales del Rancho

Las Letras-The Words

The above slides are the same as the books students took home to support their reading and singing with family. Listen to the original version to hear the differences in animal sounds and practice their Spanish names.

Juancho Pancho Video.MOV

Juancho Pancho

Above is a version that I recorded to help students learn and sing during the pandemic shut down. You can also listen to the original version by Jose-Luis Orozco here: Juancho Pancho. 

Barajas de España y el juego BURRO

To finish out the 1st Quarter of the 2021-2022 school year students learned about these beautiful playing cards first designed in the mid-18oos! These cards, barajas españolas, are from Spain and used to play 100s of fun games. We learned a simple one called BURRO. We compared it to games we know from our culture and the set of cards we see most commonly used for playing card games in our culture. The students were very observant and had good attitudes when playing with each other. Ask your student, "¿Cómo jugamos a BURRO?" -How do we play BURRO?

This is a chose your own adventure type Spanish learning game, I was impressed with how fun they made the tasks and how it includes a wide variety of vocabulary, plus there are immediate translations amongst the characters to help reinforce your understanding. Give it a try and see if it works for your family.

Native Speakers tell us about, una cosa, one thing. 

For those of you who saw the DuoLingo story of Una Cosa during your class Zoom meetings this might be easier to follow. Even if you didn't the speakers all do a wonderful job speaking clearly and calmly. 

Hover over the top left link labeled Beginners where you can select various speakers from around the Spanish speaking world.  Watch each short clip and enjoy! The related vocabulary list is a link to the far right of the page. 

This is a proficiency listening exercise from the University of Austin- don't be intimidated, you've got this!!

This is a program you can use on both your desktop and your mobile devices. 

A wonderful way to make language practice successful is for it to be fun. These are two free applications that I have found to be simple, fun, and encouraging. Take a look at them both and see if one might be a good fit for your learner. There are others out there too and if you try one that you love please let me know! 

This is a program just for mobile devices, it is available for download for Apple and GooglePlay

 ¡Trabalenguas son divertidas!

These are some simple and yet challenging tongue twisters that we will begin to work on later this year. If you want to start to 'work your tongue', as the literal translation of Trabalengua says, please go ahead watch these videos, read these words and have fun learning a little extra. 

Erre Con Erre.MOV

Erre con Erre

Una trabalenguas nueva :)

El video está aquí arriba y las letras están allá.

Erre con erre guitarra solo.pdf

R with R

A new tongue twister

The words are here above and the video is over there.

Listen and practice below

Compadre Compreme.MOV

Listen and practice below

Pepe Puso.MOV