Engaging BOOP opportunities are made possible by family contributions and support - thank you for your help!

Mabel's Labels

  • We are doing a Mabel's Labels fundraiser to help raise money for our program and help keep track of all student belongings! Search for Bowman Open Optional in the link below to get your labels ready to order!

Donation Needs

  • In addition to PayPal contributions, you can help our school every time you shop by enrolling in Escrip and choosing Bowman Elementary PTA group 6477506 as your beneficiary.

  • Contact the school office to donate directly to the Bowman Open Optional Program. We are a 501c3 non-profit and can provide a tax receipt for your generous contribution.

  • Use your employer’s “matching funds” program and double your donation. Check with your HR office.

  • Help write a grant for community service projects.

Volunteer Needs

BOOP’s vibrant Parent Steering Committee provides the main source of funding for the wonderful social events and programs offered each year. Individuals can contribute in various ways. Our parents are committed and actively involved in their children’s school community.

BOOP Community Service Project: Food Pantry

BOOP has launched a new community service project to support the greater Bowman community. In collaboration with the school nurses, the parent volunteers in charge of this project have compiled a list of items needed to help children and families in our school who require assistance. So far, family groups have assembled care boxes containing items such as food, blankets, stuffed animals, specific clothing and/or household items. Our children develop a sense of understanding and empathy by participating in this outreach.

The food pantry can always use your donations! Check our wish list to view current needs: