Speech and Drama

Helpful Resources

Updates and Announcements

First day of School on Monday, August 28!

These buttons contain links to other pages on this website which outline our resources used in class.  Feel free to watch or read these resources to keep up with the content that your student is seeing at school!

Monologue Options


Hello! Our Big Project for the Semester is our Monologue Performances.  Each student has chosen their own monologue either from this list or independently.

Each student will recite his or her monologue during the week following Thanksgiving (November 27 - December 2) until we have completed reciting them.  Students will only be graded on memorization.  They will recieve a grade based on the percentage of words they say correctly.

We will perform our monologues for an audience on December 8, and family and friends are invited.  Please email me if your student can't attend.  If they are absent, and I have recieved no email, it will count as an unexcused absence, and they will recieve a 0 for the assignment.  

Audition Cuts.pdf
Audition Contract
Rehearsal Calendar

Fall Play Audition Expectations

I am so excited to be directing the fall play, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde.  We will be rehearsing in classrooms and performing in the gym.  

To audition, students will sign up for an audition slot on the sign up in the hallway.  We will have auditions on Monday and Tuesday, September 11-12.   Everyone in the audition group will enter the room at the same time and read an audition cut from the Audition Cuts Document on the top left. 

The document on the middle left is the Audition contract, which should be filled out by every student who auditions, even students who do not wish to be in the play.  Students who do not wish to be cast should make a note on the back that says "I do not want a part. I am trying out for class." 

The Tentative Rehearsal Calendar can be found on the bottom left, so those who are interested in being in the play should review that for potential conflicts. Any known conflicts must be listed on the audition contract.