Middle School Theatre

Middle School Speech and Drama Syllabus

Welcome to Theatre 1!

I am so excited to have everyone in class this year! I've attached the syllabus to the left for your reference.  Let it be known that students will not need any materials for class on a day to day basis.  

The major assignment for this class will be the presentations at the end of each semester.  I will be posting more information about each later in the semester, but generally, there will be a Monologue night on December 8 and a scene presentation on May 17.  I will be posting details such as grading rubrics and expectations below.

First Major Assignment: Practice Auditions!

One of the biggest parts of an theatre experience is the audition.  I ask all the students in Theatre 1 to audition for the fall play.  THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT STUDENTS MUST PARTICIPATE IN THE FALL PLAY!  While I would love for my students to participate, I understand that it is a significant time commitment, so I do not require it.  However, students will be graded on their attendance at auditions, whether they attend during the after school auditions or the lunchtime ones.

More information can be found on the "Fall Play" page, but the rehearsal schedule and audition cuts can be found to the right.  No memorization is required for auditions, but students are welcome to look over the cuts that they may be asked to read. 

Rehearsal Calendar
Audition Cuts.pdf