Field Trips

Some lemurs gather at this crafted "park". With branches that stretch out so that the lemurs can enjoy a nice sun bathe, and relax in the radiant rays of the sun.

In this collage there are various types of lemurs, such as the: Black and White ruffed, Common Brown etc... We took an abundant amount of photographs of these glorious lemurs and if you have any questions about our trip or our findings make sure to check out the Contact us page.

Licking its lips in glory, the black and white ruffed lemur reclines on a branch after his mouth watering meal of nectar, leaves, flowers, buds, fungi and soil. Don't forget the fruit though! This species eats a sufficient amount of fruit.

We give special thanks to our tour guide and our advisors for making this trip happen! The following photo is of us gathered at the Lemur Park 22 km southwest of Antananarivo. (if you would like to visit the lemur park and check out our course of action for SL, the directions are located to the left.