Welcome to our Website
Stuartfield School is situated in Stuartfield close to Mintlaw in Aberdeenshire. It is one of several primary schools within the Mintlaw area of Aberdeenshire. At Stuartfield School we strive to provide an education from P1 to P7 of the highest quality for all our learners in an inclusive and welcoming setting. Our school is a place where learners feel safe and happy and are given every opportunity to succeed. Children, families and staff at Stuartfield School should feel respected and nurtured as we work together as a close knit community with the common goal and purpose of helping learners to become Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors within the community. We strongly believe that partnership between school, home and the wider community is key to ensuring children achieve their best. We look forward to working with you all.
We hope you find the information you are looking for on the website. It will continue to be a work in progress and you will find that the information changes as things change in school. We are always happy to speak to Parents and Carers to discuss any concerns you may have in greater detail or to answer any questions you may have about our school or website. Please contact us via the school email which is or call us via the school office on 01771 676635.
We look forward to working with you.
The Stuartfield Team
Our School Contact details are as follows:
Stuartfield School,
AB42 5HP.
Tel. No. : (01771) 676635
Our School Hours
School starts: 9.00am
Breaktime: 10.30-10.45am
Lunchtime: 12.15-1.00pm
School closes: 3.00pm
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You have legal rights about the way Aberdeenshire Council handles and uses your data. Information is available on our website at:
Our Whole School Privacy Notice can be found here:
Alternatively, you can contact Aberdeenshire Council’s
Data Protection Officer by emailing:
or by writing to:
The Data Protection Officer, Town House, 34 Low Street, Banff, AB45 1AY.