Parent Council

Parent Forum and Parent Council  

The Parent Forum is a collective name for all parents, carers, and guardians in the school.  

The Pitfour Parent Council is a group of parents selected by the Parent Forum to represent the views of all parents, carers, and guardians in the school. The Parent Council works with the school to support learning and teaching, school improvement and parental and community engagement.

Contact the Parent Council Chairperson Patricia Davies or Head teacher for more information about getting involved in the Parent Council or email:   

Parents and School Improvement

Our school has a range of priorities that we work on each year which are explained in our School Improvement Plan (SIP). Parents often have helpful and creative ideas about how to improve their child's school and what can be done to improve the quality of children's learning.  In our school we will consult with parents in a number of ways. These may include: