Nursery Curriculum 

Our Curriculum:


Curriculum for Excellence :

The Curriculum for Excellence (often shortened to CfE) is the curriculum in Scotland which applies to all children and young people age 3-18, wherever they are learning. It aims to raise achievement 

for all, enabling young people to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to succeed in learning, life and work. 

You can contact the school or nursery for more information or go to:  

The Four Capacities – the curriculum aims for all children to become:

• Successful Learners

• Confident Individuals

• Responsible Citizens

• Effective Contributors


The Children and Young Person’s Act defines wellbeing in relation to eight indicators representing the key areas that are essential to enable children to flourish.  These eight indicators – Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included (SHANARRI) will be promoted, supported and safeguarded within nursery.  

This is our nursery friend, Mr Shanarri 


Local police visited and we checked motorists speed 



At Pitfour, we especially value our relationship with parents and carers. Links with home and the community play a very important part in ensuring that our children get the very best out of their experiences at Nursery.


We have two bears Buttercup and Cuddles, who will visit your child at home with their night clothes, a book and a camera, for you to take a photograph of their visit! The children enjoy a visit from one of the bears and we send home a jotter for you to write a short account of their visit to your home.


The treasure box is an activity to help develop your child’s language skills.  Every child will get a turn at some point over the year to take the box home and return it to nursery the next day.  There are instructions inside the box. 


We encourage the children to take responsibility and help make decisions about their own learning. One way that we promote this is through having a Special Helper. This is where children are given responsibility for helping prepare snack, to be at the front of the line when the children line up, water the plants, check the fridge temperature, complete the outdoors risk assessment before playing outdoors and various other life learning skills. When a child is a Special Helper, they receive a special certificate.


Your child will take part in CHILDSMILE.  This is a National Programme designed to improve the oral health of children in Scotland which will include your child brushing their teeth in nursery. Please inform us if you do not wish your child to take part in this scheme.


To ensure that your child benefits fully from their time in Nursery, it is important that we have time to discuss his/her progress.  We like to know about your child at home and we like you to know what is happening at Nursery.

We welcome your involvement in your child’s education.  In the classroom, you will have access to your child’s “Learning Journey” Folder.  We encourage you to regularly come into Nursery and share your child’s achievements with them.  To help facilitate this we have family open days/Stay and Play sessions during the year.

Your child has the choice to select and display their artistic efforts on our Art Gallery wall situated in the cloakroom. Also, in the cloakroom is the children’s Achievement wall which shows any targets steps they have reached in Nursery, and they are encouraged to bring in and discuss any achievements out with nursery i.e., swimming, dancing etc.

LEARNING EXPERIENCES                                          

As part of the Nursery curriculum, each child is offered a large variety of indoor and outdoor learning experiences which are planned to develop skills such as listening, talking, hand control, co-operating, working in a group, problem solving etc.

The choice may be from: