Medical &First Aid Information

Medical Forms

Head Bump Information

We no longer send home letters if your child has a head bump at school, instead you will receive a phone call from a member of staff. If you receive a call, please monitor the health of your child using the guidance below.

Your child received a bump on the head during class/interval/lunchtime today. Although they seem fine, we always take the precaution of informing parents of a head injury, however slight.

As with any head knock, it is important to be mindful of concussion, therefore if any of the following occurs, CALL A DOCTOR AT ONCE

  • Severe headache – (not pain from the wound)

  • Vomiting

  • Drowsiness

  • Becoming irritable or violent

  • Neck stiffness

  • Double vision

  • Unconsciousness

  • Young child crying continuously

Do not give any tablets or medicine unless prescribed by a Doctor. Should you have any concerns, please seek medical advice immediately.