Senior Phase Science Courses

Course Guides:

National 5 Biology

National 5 Biology in a Nutshell


To develop a deeper understanding of biology and a deeper understanding of its role in scientific issues and in society and the environment. To develop experimental skills, planning and analytical thinking. To enhance the ability to problem solve, research and communicate information effectively.

Course Content

There are 3 Units covering Cell Biology, Multicellular Organisms and Life on Earth.


To gain National 5, learners must pass the course assessment.

●        A two section exam paper worth 100 marks and lasting 2.5 hours

●        A researched and written assignment [500- 800 words]

Both course assessments are marked by the SQA and graded A to D


The course or its components may provide progression for learners to

Higher Biology

Higher Biology in a Nutshell


To develop and apply knowledge and understanding of biology, its applications and its impact on society. To develop analytical thinking, scientific evaluation, problem solving and planning skills. to use and understand scientific literacy to communicate ideas and issues, and to develop skills for more advanced learning in biology.


Recommended Entry

National 5 Science course at either grade A or B


Course Content

 The course comprises of 3 units.





Question paper worth 120 marks and lasting 3 hours across 2 papers.

Assignment worth 20 marks.


Value of Course

Because of the demanding nature of the course, namely the amount of syllabus to cover, it should challenge the students and instil in them the necessity for hard-applied endeavour.  For this reason it is regarded as an exceptionally valuable Higher both by universities and colleges and by employers both in the biological and non-biological fields.



Students who achieve Higher Biology may progress to:

●        Advanced Higher Biology

●        NPA L6 Scientific Technologies or FA L6 Scientific Technologies

Higher Human Biology

Aims of the Course

This course will develop pupils understanding of the biological world from a human context.  It explores the key biological process that underpin life and the continuation of life.  Higher Human Biology sits alongside the Higher Biology course, teaching pupils to develop analytical thinking, scientific evaluation, problem solving and planning skills; to use and understand scientific literacy to communicate ideas and issues, and to develop skills for more advanced learning in biology.

Recommended Entry

National 5 course (of any science but ideally Biology) at either grade A or B

Course Content

This is a course consisting of three units of study:

UNIT ONE  Human Cells                                        

-          division and differentiation in human cells

-          structure and replication of DNA

-          gene expression

-          mutations

-          human genomics 

-          metabolic pathways

-          cellular respiration

-          energy systems in muscle cells


UNIT TWO Physiology and Health                                                     

-          gamete production and fertilisation

-          hormonal control of reproduction

-          the biology of controlling fertility

-          antenatal and postnatal screening

-          the structure and function of arteries, capillaries and veins

-          the structure and function of the heart

-          pathology of cardiovascular disease (CVD)

-          blood glucose levels and obesity


UNIT THREE Neurobiology and Physiology

-          divisions of the nervous system and neural pathways

-          the cerebral cortex

-          memory

-          the cells of the nervous system and neurotransmitters at synapses

-          non-specific body defences

-          specific cellular defences against pathogens

-          immunisation

-          clinical trials of vaccines and drugs



QUESTION PAPER  120  MARKS and 3 hours



Value of Course

Because of the demanding nature of the course, namely the amount of syllabus to cover, it should challenge the students and instil in them the necessity for hard-applied endeavour.  For this reason it is regarded as an exceptionally valuable Higher both by universities and colleges and by employers both in the biological and non-biological fields.



Students who achieve Higher Human Biology may progress to:

Advanced Higher Biology


Advanced Higher is SQA’s highest level of National Course and is very demanding. Advanced Higher extends students’ knowledge and skills beyond Higher. Students will face new academic and personal challenges, requiring them to develop their knowledge and abilities and to think and work independently.

Recommended Entry

While entry is at the discretion of the school, students would normally be expected to have passed Biology or Human Biology at Higher level.

Course Details

The course is made up of three mandatory units

The units cover the following content areas:

Biology: Cells and Proteins

Laboratory techniques for biologists, Proteins (Proteome, synthesis and transport; structure, ligand binding, and conformational change), Membrane Proteins (Movement across membranes, Ion transport pumps and gradients), Communication and Signalling (Coordination, Hydrophobic signals and control of transcription, Hydrophilic signals and transduction, Nerve transmission), Protein control of cell division (the cytoskeleton, cell cycle, control of the cell cycle and control of programmed cell death).

Biology: Organisms and Evolution

Field techniques for biologists, Evolution (drift and selection, fitness, co-evolution),  Variation and sexual reproduction (costs and benefits of sexual and asexual reproduction, meiosis, sex determination), Sex and behaviour (parental investment, reproductive behaviours and mating systems), Parasitism (Niche, Life cycles, transmission and virulence, defence against attack, immune evasion and challenges to treatment and control).

Investigative Biology

Scientific principles and process (scientific method, literature and communication, ethics) Experimentation (pilot study, experimental design, sampling, reliability, presentation of data), Reporting and critical evaluation of biological research (background information, reporting and evaluating experimental design, data analysis, evaluating results and conclusions).


There is an external examination and an externally assessed investigation report which determines the grade of the course. The investigation report is based on work carried out in the mandatory investigation unit. The report should be around 2000 – 2500 words in length.

The external examination lasts for 3 hours and makes up 80% of the total marks (100 marks). An investigation report (project) makes up the other 20% (30 marks).

National 5 Physics

National 5 Physics in a Nutshell

Aims of the Course

This course will develop pupils' understanding of scientific method and include theoretical work and practical experimental work.   The course will help to develop a curiosity and understanding of the environment and the physical world.  In addition, pupils will be able to demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of the big ideas and concepts of physical sciences.

Recommended Entry

Students would be expected to have achieved a good standard in their S3 Physics assessments and/or to have attained a National 4 in Physics. Students should also be studying Mathematics at National 5 level.

Course Content

This is a course consisting of three units of study:


Waves and Radiation

In this unit learners will cover the following areas: Wave parameters and behaviours, Electromagnetic spectrum, Light, Nuclear Radiation.


Electricity and Energy

Learners who complete this Unit will have covered topics such as: Charge carriers and electric fields, Potential difference, Ohm’s Law, Practical circuits, Power, Specific heat capacity, specific latent heat, Gas Laws.


Dynamics and Space

In this unit the areas of physics covered are: Velocity and displacement, Velocity time graphs, Acceleration, Newton’s Laws, Energy, Projectiles, Space Exploration, and Cosmology.



To gain National 5, learners must pass the course assessment.

Course assessment:

●        A two section exam paper worth 155 marks and lasting 2.5 hours.

●        A researched and written assignment [500- 800 words] worth 20 marks

Both course assessments are marked by the SQA and graded A to D


Skills Development

There will be an opportunity to develop scientific practical skills, problem solving along with numeracy and literacy skills in the course.



This course should be taken in preparation for continuing to study Physics at Higher or to employment in engineering, finance, technology or related areas.

Higher Physics


The course aims to provide an opportunity for reinforcing and extending the student’s knowledge and understanding of the concept of physics gained at National 5 and developing the student’s ability both to solve problems and to carry out investigative work.  The course endeavours to provide learning experiences leading to the acquisition of worthwhile knowledge, skills and attitudes which will assist students to make their own reasoned decisions on many issues within a modern society increasingly dependent on Science and Technology.  Provision is also made for those who wish to proceed beyond Higher Physics with a suitable base for further study.


Recommended Entry

Students would normally be expected to have attained National 5 Physics at Grade A or B and National 5 Maths at Grade A or B.


Course Details

The course comprises four units – Our Dynamic Universe, Particles and Waves, Electricity and Researching Physics.  While these units are valuable in their own right, students gain considerable benefit from completing all four units since there will be opportunities for the integration of skills across the units.


Our Dynamic Universe

Content outline: Equations of motion, forces, energy, power, momentum and impulse, gravity, special relativity, Doppler effect, Hubble’s law, Big Bang Theory.


Particles and Waves 

Content outline: Standard model, electromagnetic forces, nuclear radiation, wave-particle duality, interference and diffraction, refraction, spectra.



Content outline: Alternating current, current, potential difference, power, resistance, internal resistance, capacitors, conductors, insulators and semiconductors, p-n junctions.


Researching Physics

In these units candidates will plan, carry out and draw conclusions from an investigation in an unfamiliar field of physics.



There is a course assessment which is a three hour paper consisting of a combination of multiple choice, short answer and extended response questions and an assignment, totalling 150 marks.



●       to Advanced Higher Physics

●       to degree, HND or HNC in physics, science, mathematics, computing, medical or engineering field

●       to employment in physics, science, mathematics, engineering, finance, technology or related area

Advanced Higher Physics


This course is designed to provide you with a deeper understanding of the nature of Physics and its applications.  It builds on the skills, attitudes and abilities that you have developed at Higher level and provides a challenging experience for those who wish to study the subject in greater depth.  The study of Advanced Higher Physics encourages an interest in current developments and applications of physics.


Recommended Entry

You would be expected to have attained the following

●       Higher Physics at A or B and Higher Mathematics units or course.


Course Outline

The course is made up of four compulsory units – two 40 hour units and two 20 hour units.


Rotational Motion and Astrophysics

Areas covered include:

Kinematic relationships, Angular motion, Rotational dynamics, Angular momentum, Gravitation, General relativity, Stellar physics


Quanta and Waves

Areas covered include:

Introduction to quantum theory, Particles from space, Simple harmonic motion, Waves, Interference, Division of amplitude, Division of wavelength, Polarisation



Areas covered include:

Fields, Circuits, Electromagnetic radiation


Investigating Physics

In this unit you are required to carry out an investigation and produce a report of your findings. This involves planning, organisation, designing experiments, collection and analysis of information.



Units are assessed internally by your teacher/lecturer in accordance with SQA guidelines.  The course is assessed by

●       a written examination, set and marked by the SQA (155 marks) and lasting 3 hours

●       external assessment of the Investigation Report by the SQA (30 marks)



Successful completion of this course may lead to a Scottish Group Award at Higher in Science or Technology.

National 5 Chemistry

National 5 Chemistry in a Nutshell

Aims of the Course

This course will develop pupils' understanding of scientific method and include theoretical work and practical experimental work.   The course will help to develop a curiosity and understanding of the environment and the material world.  In addition, pupils will be able to demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of the big ideas and concepts of chemical sciences.

Recommended Entry

Students would be expected to have achieved a good standard in their S3 chemistry assessments and/or to have attained a National 4 in Chemistry. Students should also be studying Mathematics at National 5 level.

Course Content

This course consists of three units of study:

Chemical Changes and Structure - In this Unit, learners will cover:

●        Rates of reaction – calculation of average rates

●        Atomic structure and bonding - covalent molecular and network, ionic and ion formation, lattices, ionic chemical formulae and balanced equations.

●        Reaction quantities: gram formula mass, the mole

●        acids and bases: pH as a measure of hydrogen and hydroxide ions, strong and weak acids, pH of soluble oxides, neutralisation reactions, calculation of average rate titration and spectator ions


Nature’s Chemistry - In this unit the topics covered are:

●  Homologous Series - structure and naming, physical and chemical properties of alkanes, alkenes, cycloalkanes, isomers – combustion and addition reactions

●        Everyday consumer products – Uses of alcohols and carboxylic acids related to their properties. Manufacture of esters

●    Energy from fuels - reaction profiles of endo and exo reactions, energy calculations involving ΔE = CMΔT, balancing equations, and calculations based on balanced equations


Chemistry in Society - In this unit, the importance of chemistry is illustrated by looking at the following areas:

●        Metals - electrochemical series: ion electron equations, redox, metals — extraction, reactions and alloys

●  Properties of plastics - the properties and production of addition and condensation polymers and the properties and application of novel materials

●        Fertilisers – Haber process and the formation of commercial fertilisers.

●        Nuclear Chemistry – radiation process and nuclear equations

●        Chemical Analysis – looking at techniques for monitoring the environment and reducing pollution


To gain National 5, learners must pass the course assessment. Course assessment:

●        A two section exam paper worth 100 marks and lasting 2.5 hours

●        A researched and written assignment [500- 800 words]

Both course assessments are marked by the SQA and graded A to D


Skills Development

There will be an opportunity to develop scientific practical skills, problem solving along with numeracy and literacy skills in the course.



●        This course should be taken in preparation for continuing to study Higher Chemistry and/or National 5 in another science subject.

●        NPA L6 Scientific Technologies or FA L6 Scientific Technologies

Higher Chemistry

Higher Chemistry in a Nutshell


The course is designed for students who wish to continue their study of chemistry beyond N5 level and who may wish to progress to Advanced Higher. As such the Higher course could form the first year of a two-year post National 5 level.


As a one-year course the study of Chemistry at Higher can make an important contribution to the student’s knowledge and understanding of the physical and natural world. The course provides a grounding for the further study in higher education of chemistry and chemistry-related subjects such as environmental and food sciences, and provides valuable background knowledge for vocational training in many areas of health and technology.


Recommended Entry

While entry is at the discretion of the centre, students would normally have obtained the following awards or equivalent:

●       National 5 at grade A or B in Chemistry

●       National 5  Mathematics at Grade A or B would also be preferred

Advanced Higher Chemistry

Science & Health Level 4 NPA

This qualification is intended to meet the learning needs of pupils who have done Science and Society in S3 and are looking to continue their science education but at a level which does not require examination.  All units have one or both of the following assessment types:

-          Written, content-based assessment including some numeracy

-          Practical experiments with formal write-ups

-          Research- based activities


Units required:

Physics:  Waves and Radiation

Pupils explore these such as wave characteristics, Sound, Electromagnetic spectrum, Nuclear Radiation.

Chemistry:  Nature’s Chemistry

Pupils explore themes such as Fuels – fossil fuel formation, carbon cycle and alternative fuels; Hydrocarbons – straight chained hydrocarbons –names, physical and chemical properties. Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons; Everyday consumer products – alcohol and carbohydrates; Plants to products – Everyday products derived from plants

Science: Human Health

Pupils explore themes surrounding mental, social and physical health – such as diet, alcohol, smoking, hygiene and they learn how to measure certain aspects of health.

Science Practical Skills

Pupils learn how to tackle experimentation safely and accurately with an ability to follow instructions.  They also learn to write up a practical report accurately.

Heath Sector: Life Sciences Industry

Pupils learn what the Healthcare sector encompasses and how different arms of the sector work together.  They learn about Diagnostic and Biomedical Devices along with Pharmaceutical products.



There is no exam for this course.  Pupils must pass each of the component units in order to pass the Group Award.  There is no grade associated with this course – it is PASS/FAIL



This qualification would feed into N5 in Science & Forensics or N5 units in any science.

Science & Forensics Level 5 NPA


To develop a deeper understanding of the three Sciences and how they relate to the field of Forensic Science. Through written work, research and practical activities this course explores the principles of Forensic Science and develops IT Skills, communication skills and critical thinking skills at SCQF Level 5.

Course Content

There are 4 units: Cell Biology (N5 Biology), Chemical Changes and Structure (N5 Chemistry) Waves and Radiation (N5 Physics) and Forensic Science (also N5 Level).


To gain this National 5 Group Award , learners must pass all class assessments which include:


The course or its components may provide progression for learners to

Energy National 5 Skills for Work


To increase understanding of how Physics relates to the Energy Industry. This course develops knowledge and skills that would be useful in the Energy sector. This course also develops the following skills: Working with others, critical thinking, planning, organising and working cooperatively.

Course Content

Five units are required to pass this Level 5 Group Award including: Introduction to Energy, Wind Turbines, Solar Energy,  Employability skills, and a choice of unit out of: Energy and the Individual, Conventional Methods and the Grid and Oil and Gas Formation and Extraction.


To gain this National 5 group award, learners must pass all the class activities which include:


The course or its components may provide progression for learners to

Scientific Technologies NPA Level 6 (or FA Level 6)

This course offers the option of studying the Level 6 NPA or a full FA. For pupils wishing to study the full FA, please read the course info provided in the Foundation Apprenticeships page.

Aims of the Course

This qualification is intended to meet the learning needs of pupils who have completed units at National 5 Chemistry and/or Biology, but have been unable to achieve a Grade suitable for immediate progression to Higher / will struggle with the demands of Higher Chemistry and/or Biology.


Recommended Entry

National 5 experience in any science


Course content:

Fundamental Chemistry An Introduction

Mathematics for Science 2

Laboratory Safety

Experimental Procedures: Science



Each unit studied is assigned a credit rating – either 1 or 0.5. Each candidate will be required to complete a minimum number of credits to achieve a group award. There are multiple pathways / outcome possible.


This qualification is a group award, so does not have a final assessment exam OR assignment associated with its achievement.  Successful candidates will pass all 4 units.


To achieve a Foundation Apprenticeship, candidates are required to complete a series of workplace based SVQ units through a work placement. 


N5 Biology course information

N5 Biology Overview

Higher biology course information

Higher Biology Overview

Higher human biology course information

Higher Human Biology Overview

AH Bio Course Choice Pres

AH Biology Overview

(Contains Audio)

N5 Physics Presentation

N5 Physics Overview

Physics Higher Course Presentation

Higher Physics Overview


AH Physics Overview

national 5 chemistry course PP

N5 Chemistry Overview

(Contains Audio)

Higher_Chemistry Presentation

Higher Chemistry Overview

NPA Science and Health Course Choice Pres

Level 4 NPA Science and Health Overview

NPA_FA_Scientific_Technologies Presentation

Level 6 NPA / FA Scientific Technologies Overview

Senior Phase
Subject Guide

D&A College
Subject Guide

Subject Guide

Careers Advice

Course Choice FAQs