S1 - S3 BGE


Throughout the first two years of secondary education all pupils study the same wide range of subjects. The week is divided into 30 periods of 50/55 minutes. Pupils learn in a range of discrete subject areas and specific interdisciplinary contexts.

In S1/S2 most classes are mixed ability, however, this does not mean that individual differences are not catered for. Most courses are structured to allow pupils to proceed at a pace suited to their level of attainment.

All pupils in S1 – S3 are involved in recognising their skills learnt both in the classroom and across the wider environment.  To celebrate the completion of the Broad General Education all S3 pupils produce a pupil profile which is used as part of an interview at the end of S3 with a member of the wider school community

Further information about the Broad General Education in Scottish Secondary Schools can be found at:


S2 into S3 –  Personalisation and Choice

As pupils move into S3 they are offered a greater level of personalisation and choice within their timetable.   Pupils study a range of subjects within S3, with each subject being studied to a greater level of depth and breadth.

Within these subjects all pupils will receive English and Maths as well as core PE, core RMPS and PSE.  They then have the opportunity to choose 6 further subjects from across the curriculum areas.  Further details on the subjects available can be found on the KA Options & Pathways website.  
