Health and Wellbeing

Wellbeing Support During SQA Assessments

Information for young people – Exam stress - Mind

Accessing Support in School

Eight of our S3 pupils have undertaken training to become Mental Health Peer Educators and we look forward to making use of their skills. Our S6 Mental Health Ambassadors have been busy planning their focus areas and identifying how they can promote / support the Mental Health and Wellbeing of our school community. They have identified the following three focus areas for the remainder of this session : Sharing Information / Raising Awareness, How to Access Support and the Provision of practical face to face support.

Mental Health First Aiders in School can be identified by the lanyards they are wearing - black with red writing.

The aims of Mental Health First Aid are:

• To provide comfort to a person experiencing distress

• To promote understanding of mental health issues.

• To provide help to prevent the mental health problem or crisis developing into a more serious state

• To promote the recovery of good mental health

Pupils are encouraged to contact their Guidance teacher for help if required but they can also request support using the BLOG link or via the Pupil Support Site which can be accessed by pupils via their GLOW launchpad.

There is also a large number of resources and information on a variety of topics related to health and wellbeing on these sites to support them.

Pupils have also been signposted to National Support Networks:

‘Aye Feel’ which is delivered by Young Scot and the Scottish Government, and is a campaign encouraging young people to look after their emotional wellbeing.

Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community for young people

Site : Peer Ed Slide 1

Six of our young people have recently completed training to become a Mental Health Peer Educator. For Mental Health Awareness Month (February) they have organised a number of activities to raise awareness of the importance of talking, how to support your mental health and will provide specific information on anxiety, depression, self harm and eating disorders.

Our newly qualified MH peer educators are :

Isabella, Miles, Esme, Ruth and Emma in S3 and Eilidh in S6, and you can identify them by the badge they wear.

Site : Peer Ed Slide 2

These are some of their thoughts on what they undertook in their training and how they can support you in school.

Site : Peer Ed Slide 3

Time to Talk Day is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation and it is Taking place on Thursday 3 February 2022, it’s the day that friends, families, communities, and workplaces come together to talk, listen and change lives.

In school pupils will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities which encourage us to start a conversation around mental health and identify how we can support ourselves and others.

There are a variety of organisations who can support your if you want to talk, please access the hyperlink on the slides for further information.

MINDSET : An A-Z guide for anyone who wants to know more about the power of mindset. This powerful little book is packed with simple tips, ideas and supportive words, so that you can live your best positive life!

Accessing funded Medical Support via NHS Minor Ailments Service

NHS Minor Ailment Service at Your Local Pharmacy :

This is a service for children, people aged 60 or over, people who hold a medical exemption certificate and people on certain benefits. Once registered your pharmacist can give you medicines for minor illnesses with no charge.

To make use of this service you will need to register with your local pharmacy, you will need to provide some basic information regarding name, address etc and you will also require to produce proof of medical exemption certificate, age or benefits. There is a list of minor illnesses that are provided for under this service and further information in the attached leaflet.

Minor Ailments Information Leaflet.pdf

NHS Self Help Guides

The following is an NHS resource that offers self help information on a range of topics:
Abuse Bereavement Eating Disorders Panic Self HarmAlcohol Anger Health Stress Social AnxietyAnxiety Depression Obsessions Depression Sleep

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Aberdeenshire Wellbeing Festival 2021

The Aberdeenshire Wellbeing Festival takes place from Monday 10th May to Sunday 16th May and highlights a broad range of community based activities to support wellbeing.

For further information please click the links below:

Anxiety Support

NHS Grampian CAMHS Early Intervention team have developed a series of webinars to support parents to support themselves and their children during a time when we know anxiety is likely to be increased. To access the resources click on the NHS Grampian Picture.

Webinar Topics Include:

Episode1: Welcome and meet the team

Episode2: Body tools​for anxiety

Episode3: Thinking tools​for anxiety

Episode4: Managing anxious behaviours​

Episode5: Talking to your child about anxiety​

Episode6: Understanding the adolescent brain and impact on teen mental health during the Covid-19 lockdown

Episode7: Looking after your mental health and wellbeing

Episode8: Resources you may find helpful

Episode9: Supporting your child on the return to school following lockdown

The Importance of Reading for Wellbeing

There is strong evidence that reading for pleasure can increase empathy, improve relationships with others, reduce the symptoms of depression and improve wellbeing throughout life.

Click the SWAY link below for access to our World Read Aloud Day Resources.

Access Aberdeenshire Digital Library Services using the Links on the Images Below

LLA Resources


Digital Mental Health Services

Kooth Online Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health Service for 10 – 18 years

Kooth is working with Aberdeenshire Council to launch our Kooth online emotional wellbeing & mental health service for young people in the area from 21st June 2021.

Kooth is a free online counselling and emotional well-being support service providing young people aged 10-18 years in many areas across the UK with a safe and secure means of accessing support with their emotional health and wellbeing needs from a professional team of qualified counsellors, as well as providing access to many self-help tools and content.

Kooth is a well-established, award winning online counselling service and is accredited by The British Association of Psychotherapy and Counselling (BACP). Young people can access this service anonymously by signing onto the Kooth site. Kooth provides unique out of office hours’ provision and is open 7 days per week, 365 days a year with 1:1 support being available from noon until 10pm weekdays and from 6pm until 10pm on Saturday and Sundays. Kooth provides added value with moderated, scheduled forums and self-help articles (many written by service users) to provide peer led and self-help support 24/7.

Emotional and Mental Support

Communicating with Your Teenager

How to Respond if Your Child is Feeling Angry.......

The Importance of Self Care

Encouraging Young People to Prioritise Self-Care

Time to Talk Day 2021 : Access Resources Below

The Power of Small

A small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference.

We know that the more conversations we have, the more myths we can bust and barriers we can break down, helping to end the isolation, shame and worthlessness that too many of us with mental health problems are made to feel.

Time to Talk Day is the day that we get the nation talking about mental health. This year’s event might look a little different, but at times like this open conversations about mental health are more important than ever.

We need your help to start the conversation this Time to Talk Day – together we can end mental health stigma. Click on the image below to access more information and resources.

Mental Health Week Up Dates

The Importance of Resilience

Developing Resilience

Voices of You is a free collection of 11 short videos that address common points of distress among young people today. In each video, a young person shares their own experience with a challenge as well as strategies they use to find more meaning and joy in life, despite the hard stuff.

By sharing these quick clips with the young people in our lives and work, we can help them see that they aren’t alone and provide them with simple self-interventions for building resilience and vitality in their lives.

Suicide Prevention