On-Line Safety

Tips to help children stay safe online 

The internet is a great resource for our kids. It’s a place to learn, to play, to create and to connect. But there are some risks and dangers on the internet too. 

It’s totally normal to feel unsure about how best to help keep your child safe and secure online. The good news is, with the same instincts you already have the right tools, as how you help protect them online is much the same as how you help protect them offline.

Parent Club’s new Child Online Safety campaign gives parents the tools they need to check and monitor what their kids are doing online. It provides parents with advice on how to talk to their kids about what they do online, how to agree boundaries, practical things to make the internet safer at home, and where to find further help if they need it.

Advice like:

Opening up about online safety. It’s important for parents to begin talking to their children about online safety on a regular basis. By doing so, and taking an interest in their child’s online activities, parents can help build trust and confidence with their child. This makes it easier, if something does go wrong, for children to feel comfortable and safe telling a parent or trusted adult.

Agreeing to boundaries. It’s tempting for parents to lay down the law when it comes to setting rules for their child’s online activities. Instead, parents should consider discussing the rules with their child and agreeing to boundaries together. This ensures their child understands the rules in place and can help them to better develop good habits and online behaviours as they get older.

Protecting your child online. It’s important for parents to be aware of practical ways they can help keep their children safe, such as adding safety measures to devices, streaming platforms, search engines and mobile and broadband providers.

ONLINE SAFETY : FACEBOOK LIVE EVENT : Wednesday 24th February 

CyberSafe Scotland will be hosting a live Facebook event on 24th February 7-8pm to discuss online safety tips for children and young people. Annabelle Turner (CyberSafe Scotland) is being joined by Dr Kandarp Joshi from CAMHS and DI Lesley Clark from Police Scotland to answer any questions parents/carers or professionals have. Young people are also welcome to join this live event and ask any questions they might have.

 Here is the event page  - Online Safety Facebook Live | Facebook you will be able to join live from there

 You do not need a Facebook account to join this event.

In connection to this topic, our Police Liaison Officer also shared this link to a BBC News article about a video chat site where young people are exposing themselves. 

Alford Academy Digital Learning Group

In an increasingly digital world, Alford Academy aims to prepare our young people as fully as possible for Digital Life and Work and Learning, in a safe and secure environment, while promoting the schools values of Honesty, Hard work, Ambition, Respect and Kindness as they apply to our digital lives.

Our work is based on our term of reference.  Our work in this area is overseen by the Digital Learning Group.  

Tips for Accessing Check-Ins : How you can Support your Young Person to Prepare in the Best Possible Manner

Top Tips for Helping Your Child to be Part of an Online Video Lesson

Pupil Declaration 

I have read the IT Resources AUP and understand that these terms apply when I am using any IT resource on campus (including both school and personal computers and devices and the internet.) or any school IT resource remotely, for example when at home during remote learning.

I accept the terms of the AUP and agree to uphold them.

Parental Declaration

I have read the IT Resources AUP and understand that these terms apply when my child is using any IT resource on campus (including both school and personal computers and devices and the internet.) or any school IT resource remotely, for example when at home during remote learning.

I have gone through the rules with my child and explained their importance and the consequences of breaking the rules, and ensured that they understand.

I understand that the school will make every reasonable effort to filter out access to controversial material on the Internet, but I will not hold them responsible for materials my son or daughter acquires or sees as a result of the use of IT at school.

I also accept that the school cannot be responsible for any loss, theft or damage to personal equipment my child may bring to school e.g. smartphone, iPod, netbook etc.

I understand that if the school allows my child to use a personal device to access the internet this will be via the school’s Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Wi-Fi Network.

I understand that in order to provide my child with a Glow Account some information will be transferred from school to Glow.

I accept the terms of the AUP and confirm that my child will uphold them.

 From time to time we may ask parents and pupils to submit a formal acceptance of the AUP (electronically or in paper form), however the use of the school’s IT resources by any individual is taken as acceptance of this AUP.

This document provides advice on how to set up for on-line learning at home, protocols and expectations for online meetings and accessing learning in Google Classrooms.  At the heart of these are our school values (HHARK- Honesty, Hard Work, Ambition, Respect and Kindness) and our habits of work and learning (HOWLs – Work Hard, Aim High, Be Kind).

Full information is provided in the document regarding key points for pupils, parents / carers and staff.

In addition to the terms of the (Acceptable Use Policy) AUP which apply to staff as well as other members of our community, the attached document details the additional terms which also apply to staff.

The school's preferred tool for supporting online learning is Google Classroom.

It is possible to get weekly or daily summaries for your child across all their google classes to allow you to keep up to date with their progress and in order for you to support their learning and assist them to manage their workload.

Websites for Information and Support

Social Media Information and Support

Roblox Checklist - SHARED.pdf


Facebook Checklist - SHARED.pdf


Snapchat Checklist - SHARED.pdf


Twitter Checklist - SHARED.pdf


Instagram Checklist - SHARED.pdf


Tiktok Checklist - SHARED.pdf


Netflix Checklist - SHARED.pdf
