Course Options for pre-FA22-Admit Scholars

Scholars Elective Courses for Continuing Students: 2024-2025 Academic Year

Pre-FA22 Scholars students will take elective courses to complete their program requirements after they have completed their first two semesters at SAIC, including their English, Research Studio, and Art History Survey Requirements.  

The courses listed below are only available for Scholars credit to students who were accepted as SAIC Scholars prior to the Fall 2022 semester.  This group is operating under a specific set of requirements and should plan to complete five (5) courses from Scholars-approved selections before graduating.

Students admitted to SAIC/the Scholars Program in Fall 2022 or later may take these courses, but these courses will not provide them with Scholars credit. 

 Pre-FA22 Scholars should use this link to access the dedicated CANVAS page that outlines their course options.