Genzoh Takehisa武久源造 ピアノの発見第6章 

Confrontation with the fortepiano Chapter 6 


The whole performances are published at Youtube. 全演奏をYoutubeに公開しました。

Genzoh Takehisa Confrontation with the Fortepiano, Chapter. 6

on a Silbermann Piano

"Bach sings, prays and dances with you!"

Fantasia and Fugue in A minor BWV 906

English Suite No. 1 in A major BWV 806

Sinfonia Nos. 5 & 11


 Toccata in D major BWV 912

Suite F minor BWV 823

Bach-Takehisa Chaconne 

Genzoh Takehisa Improvisations

 Sunday, October 17th, 15:00 

Doors will open at 14:30

武久源造 ピアノの発見第六章 歌うバッハ、祈るバッハ、躍動するバッハ


ファンタジアとフーガ イ短調 BWV906

イギリス組曲第1番 イ長調 BWV806

3声のためのシンフォニアより 第5番 第11番


トッカータ ニ長調 BWV912

組曲 ヘ短調 BWV823

バッハ=武久 シャコンヌ

武久源造 即興演奏


武久源造氏によるジルバーマン・ピアノの改変のナレーション付きドキュメンタリーをご覧になれます。朗読テキストをページ下方でご覧になれます。Watch the documentary with narration on Genzoh Takehisa's renovation of the Silbermann piano. Read the narration text below. 

🔊ここでは、2008年、2014年、2017、2021年、2022年に録音された種類の音源をお聴きいただきます。2008年の年号。武久さんがSIlbermannピアノのリノベーションに着手する前。2014年年 改修の途中、2017年 シルベルマンピアノは最先端を行く。そして2021年最新情報です。ジルバーマン・ピアノは新規に弦を張りなおしました。さらにここに2022年という年に、まさかのスーパーリノベーションが実現するのです。

Here you are listening to 5 different kinds of sound sources recorded in the years of 2008, 2014, 2017, 2021 and 2022. Year 2008: Before Mr. Takehisa launched his renovation of the SIlbermann piano, Year 2014: Half way of the renovation, Year 2017: Silbermann piano int the state-of-the-art. And here is an unexpectedly super-renovation in the year of 2022. The Silbermann piano used in this project has been newly strung. Please listen to the sound. And here's an update for 2021. The Silbermann piano was newly re-strung. And here in the year 2022, a super renovation has been realized, which is not expected.

Credited by Akira Sato






2015年、ジルバーマン・ピアノによるJ. S. バッハ「パルティータ」の世界初の全曲録音をリリースという快挙を成し遂げた.ジルバーマン・ピアノは日本ではよく知られていないが,今回の録音でジルバーマン・ピアノを用いた理由を、武久氏は明解に述べる.「チェンバロ、クラヴィコード,ピアノフォルテの三つの楽器の特質を備えたジルバーマン・ピアノは、バッハの「パルティータ」を演奏するのに最も相応しい.」





Born in 1957, Mr. Takehisa finished the post-graduate program at Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku, i.e, Tokyo University of the Arts in 1984, with the master's thesis focusing on "Dispositio in Pre-Bach Music".

Mr. Takehisa is incredibly versatile as a keyboard player, performing on cembalos, pianos, organs and the other keyboards of quite wide ranges in the history. His repertoire is likewise incredibly wide and deep ranging the music in the middle ages to the contemporary music. Of note is the German keyboard works best exemplified by his performances of Dieterich Buxtehude, and J.S. Bach. He gains high reputation and high evaluation domestically and internationally for his extraordinary but rational approaches to those works. He is also keen on music compositions and arrangements, which also gain high evaluations. His most outstanding features as musician is that he not only performs on various keyboards, but also that he knows every detail of the keyboard manufacturing process as well as the keyboard architectures. This capability of his enables him to create music characteristic of the individual instruments he plays.

The high reputation on him does not restricted in the solo keyboardist. Examples are various. As judge of music competition, he was invited to The International Cembalo Maker Competition held in Atlanta, the USA in 1991, as well as to the 7th and 11th of Japan Clavier Society Competition held in Yamanashi, Japan in 1997 and 2001, respectively. Those are only part of example of his taking judgeship of various competitions.

Besides his solo performances, his music activity encompasses to music ensembles: he organized "Conversum Musicum", an ensemble of musical instruments and voices, and initiated the activities having himself as performer, conductor and arranger. Thus, his music horizon has been expanding where he always without fail attempts and challenges something new to discover something undiscovered by human beings so far. Conversum Musicum has been annually invited by South Korea for performances in Korea since 2002, and hence contributed to the musico-cultural communications between the two neighboring countries.

Mr. Takehisa has been quite enthusiastic in recording as seen in his discography that his first CD release in 1991 from ALMRECORDS now reaching up to 35 CDs mostly by his own produce. Of notes are The Realms of Keyboard Music Vols. 1 to 9, The Goldberg Variations, J.S. Bach Organ Works Vol. 1, Airs for the Organ: Liebster Jesu, and other numerous CDs, which ever released have been give awards of prestigious "Special Choice of the Month" of The Record Geijutsu, a Japanese CD review journal. Again, Mr. Takehisa was tempted to a new challenge, as he has been always. He used a cembalo with 16 feet long strings in his latest and the second time recording of J.S. Bach’s “Goldberg Variations”. The use of this size of cembalo is unusual for this Bach’s work and hence no one in Japan had ever tried. Obviously this new challenge of his gave us a fortunate experience of re-discover “Goldberg Variations”. For its quality, it became the "Special Choice of the Month" of The Record Geijutsu. There was more to go in the same year. He recorded J.S. Bach’s “Sonatas for viola da gamba and harpsichord” with having Ms. Reiko Ichise as the gamba player. In this recording, he used both a harpsichord and the Silvermann Piano and chose either one depending on sonatas. In April 2017, Mr. Takehisa started the whole performance recordings of Bach’s “Well Tempered Clavier” that will demand four CDs. This year, he released the first CD. The nomenclature "well-tempered" has been long translated to the Japanese words “Heikin-ritsu" meaning so-called modern equal temperament. This is an improper translation since in Bach's mind, there was no nature of strict equality, and therefore Mr. Takehisa created a Japanese word“Tekisei-ritsu”. With this new terminology, the term “well-tempered” has become what it originally meant. To make all the 24 major and minor tonalities that are playable on one keyboard instrument, it has to be tuned with some suitable

temperaments. Those two CDs became the "Special Choice of the Month" of The Record Geijutsu.

The expansion of his music horizon continues. In 2002, he published a book "新しい人は新しい音楽をする"/Atarashii-hito wa atarashii-ongaku o suru", a literal translation of the title being "A new man does new music", from ARC Publishing Inc., and gained wide range of social attention like his attempts performing symphony works by four hands since 2005. His horizon goes over more public scenes even in his student days, as exemplified by the year-through participation of the radio program of "Tokimeki Culture", a literal translation being "Ardent Culture" broadcasted by NHK Radio 1 in the year of 2006. Later on, he appears a couple of times as a lecture in the same broadcasting program of NHK.

Likewise he leaped over to the music education: he taught as lecturer at the College of Music, Ferris University, and its graduate school during the years of 1998~2010. In 2013, he conducted the Japan Premiere Rameau's "Le Paladin", a comedy lyrique in three acts, which was critically-acclaimed likewise. His horizon goes overseas. In these years, he showed up annually in the international arena such as Germany, Lithuania, Iceland, Sweden and other countries and gave very impressive performances that includes improvisations on organs, cembalos, pianos and other music instruments.

In 2015, Mr. Takehisa reached a certain hight on his horizons. He released a World Premiere recording of Bach's Six Partitas on the Silbermann Piano. Though unfamiliar in Japan, the Silbermann piano was intentionally chosen by himself to play this work for the reason, as he says "The Silbermann Piano comprises three distinct qualities of cembalo, clavichord and forteiano, and therefore best suited for the performance of Bach's Six Partitas".

Here is a story behind the curtain. In hearing his performances of Bach's Six Partitas, most of us, though not everybody, will be able to picture his attempts to flashback to the musically very dynamic time around 1730 when Bach wrote the Six Partitas. His attemps annoyes us a little as we are so much used to ordinary expressionistic arts of music performances. He dares to say that Bach actually had known quite variable kinds of hammer-type fortepianos manufactured after Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco before he published Six Partitas. The Silbermann Piano invented by Gottfried Silbermann was of course included, Mr. Takehisa claims. This immediately signifies with high historical plausibility that Sx Partitas were composed by Bach who assumed his work to be performed by the Silbermann PIano.

Here we see a contradiction. In the history of music, Bach has been with authority told to have touched a Silbermann Piano in the year of 1732, whilst his publication of Six Partitas was achieved in the year of 1731. If we trust this authentic note, we see the contradiction clearly that Bach did not know the Silbermannn Piano during the ages of his composition of Six Partitas. Nevertheless, we have to confess to ourselves honestly that we have had an unpleasant feelings in hearing and playing Six Partitas by a modern piano nor a cembalo. This feelings of ours are now ready to be salvaged by Mr. Takehisa's careful and wide-ranged analysis of Six Partitas by which a tight association of Six Partitas and the Silbermann Piano is validated with a powerful persuasive passion in him.

Official Website of Mr. Takehisa


インタビュー おぎはら さとし   ワンコイン市民コンサート実行委員会代表  










2、 彼の耳:それは、情報の欠落を補う強力な戦略


問題1 目の前にあるジルバーマン・ピアノのレプリカにはどこまで厳密な改善、調整が可能か?

問題2 残された楽譜もふくめてレプリカ・ピアノもバッハ音楽のメタ情報、バッハ音楽の表層の情報である。メタ情報でなく真の情報(それをバッハの音楽命と呼ぶ)を手に入れるために、ジルバーマンのレプリカをいかに活用するのか?
















図1 ジルバーマン・ピアノの全体像

図2 ジルバーマン・ピアノの内面図    


図3 弦とダンパー・アレイの拡大図 

図4 アクション部を鍵盤部の上に置いている武久氏。2つのパーツは分離できるようになっている。

図5 武久氏は、レプリカ用に一般的に想定されている弦よりも3割ほど太い弦を使用し、軽快な音と重厚な音、甘く澄んだ音を同時に実現している。

図6 鹿の革を貼ったハンマーヘッド。なお、ハンマーヘッドは中空になっている。頭部の芯は羊皮紙でできている。 

図7 武久氏は現在、1秒間に13回という素早い連打を実現するために、中間レバーの微調整を行っている。中間レバーの微調整を行い、キーディップのエスケープ・ポイントをキーボトムにできるだけ近づけるようにした。

図8 ハンマーヘッドの配列

ハンマーの打点を最も適切な位置に固定するためには 力強い基本音と倍音の豊かな響きのために、ハンマーの打点を最も適切な位置に固定するために、彼は ハンマーヘッドを支えるシャンク(棒の部分)を短くしたり、長くしたりしました。その結果、ハンマーヘッドの配列は、他の鍵盤のような直線的なものではなく、曲がりくねったものになりました。

図9 ダンパー


図10 ダンパーの拡大図。上が武久氏の柔らかいもの、下がオリジナルのもの。  

<Genzoh Takehisa's Renovation of the Silbermann Piano> 

An Interview with Mr. Genzoh Takehisa

Satoshi Ogihara, One-Coin Concert for ALL, Executive Committee  

The Silbermann piano was painstakingly renovated by Mr. Genzoh Takehisa himself. The aim of the renovation was to harmonize the two characteristics of the piano. Pianos are a stringed instrument that resonates with strings, but also a percussion instrument that strikes the strings with the hammers. The two characteristics are physically contradictory and often need careful fine-tuning to create well-balanced tone. In this interview, I tried to hear his voices in depth so that his explanation will help you understand the shortcomings of pianos in general and the power of his renovation work.

<Why renovate a Silbermann piano? > 

I. Fatal lack of information in photographs, drawings, and other written documents 

Gottfried Silbermann (1683-1753) made nearly 100 pianos during Bach's lifetime, of which three originals are still in existence. Kenta Fukamachi made the Silbermann piano replica as accurate as possible based on the measurement data and X-ray photographs of existing Silbermann originals that are available to the public. This process, as with replicas of ordinary period pianos from other eras, had the fatal measurement errors in drawings and measurement data in sizes and others which limited accurate replica constructions. The limit was not the fault of Mr. Fukamachi.

Hundreds of years have passed since Bach's time, and important information has disappeared. Strings, hammer heads, and the other parts have deteriorated over time: the precise information about the kinds of strings used and the kinds of leather applied to the hammer heads in Bach's time was lost. Those unwanted situation could be compared to the situation where information of minute parts in a cell of a living organism has already been lost when we try to revive animals and plants. 

Period piano restorers and curators of music instrument museums tend to think that period pianos are dead and that the only thing they can do is to measure and document the size, weight and shapes as accurately as possible. Is it possible to bring period piano replicas back to life only by those measurable data? No, it is not. Likewise, today's piano players think old period pianos are dead. Then how should they play replicas or restored instruments? The only answer to this question is to supplement the missing information by using the performance habits of the old time, documentary data on the audience's reaction, and the common sense required in today's revival of classical music to be performed with period music instruments. When Mr. Takehisa actually touched the Silbermann's replica for the first time, he had strong doubts about this common sense. Common sense is nothing more than an imagination. However, the keyboard he was touching was the unmistakable reality.

Mr. Takehisa’s thought was that some more complicated issues needed to be taken into consideration when restoring period pianos and the replicas, especially in the parts of the keyboard action. It is desirable to adjust the piano action in millimeters and, if possible, micrometers. However, no matter how faithful the replicas are made, there would inevitably be errors, not mistakes, involved as long as the replica making is simply based upon the blue-prints. The micrometer adjustment that Bach would have required cannot be represented in the drawing.

II. His ears: Use of auditory information is a powerful strategy to compensate for missing information

Mr. Takehisa focused on two main questions.

1. To what extent can the replica of the Silbermann piano be rigorously improved and adjusted?

2. The replica pianos, like the music scores and sheets, are not the true information but superficial information of Bach's music. How can we use a Silbermann's replica to obtain true information, which can be called Bach's “musical life”, instead of superficial meta-information?

Since the lost information will never come back, errors in reproduction are inevitable. In other words, there will be no answer to the questions above as far as only the drawing and measurement data are concerned. The answer came from his ears. His ears were the only and most powerful strategic tool for renovation. Judging by his ears, Mr. Takehisa fine-tuned the Silbermann piano replica. His goal was first to create a light, yet massive sound, and then a sweet, clear, cantabile sound. Cantabile was the most important quality that Bach himself sought in keyboard instruments. As for the essence of the musical instruments in general, he also tried to seek the ideal balance between more powerful bases and richer overtones. For more details on this, please refer to the descriptions with figures and the legends*. Mr. Takehisa recreated, from the visually accurate replica, the Silbermann piano. It became an expressive organism that could freely create musical meanings by letting the notes on music sheets sing on it in an actual performance.

III. Renovation: Is it Realization of J.S. Bach's True Musical Needs or Something Else?

Then, comes another question. Were the high demands on the sound and the keyboard action that Mr. Takehisa tried to achieve the same demands that J.S. Bach had for the Silbermann piano? In other words, did Mr. Takehisa do the elaborate and time-consuming task of renovating the Silbermann piano replica for the sake of Bach himself?

Since J.S. Bach died hundreds of years ago, Mr. Takehisa will never have the opportunity to know Bach's true musical needs. Therefore, the question will have no direct answers. Moreover, the original Silbermann piano used by J.S. Bach is no longer in a playable condition and therefore, even if we use a precisely reproduced replica piano, the original score, which is considered to be faithful to the origin, and even if we supplement the missing information by reproducing the performance habits of Bach's time, we are only creating a meta-Bach, Mr. Takehisa says. He believes that even with the precision approaches only the surface of Bach's music will only emerge as meta-Bach.

IV. The Process of Deepening the Understanding of J.S. Bach

If so, could a replica of the Silbermann piano help to bring back the true information of Bach's music, his musical life in what Mr. Takehisa says? In other words, should the modifications of the Silbermann piano replica be made for a more faithful performance of J.S. Bach? Mr. Takehisa again refute my questions. He did not assume any fantasy to be shared with Bach when he renovated the Silbermann piano replica. He eschewed predetermined rationales, ready-made visions, or any kind of theoretical hypothesis, and simply listened and concentrated on the sound the Silbermann piano made. He listened and concentrated on the sound Silbermann was playing, and tried to make it come to life. In that sense, this was an extremely experimental and innovative renovation.

According to Takehisa, the modification of the Silbermann piano was a process of deepening his own understanding of J.S. Bach. He thought that refurbishing the Silbermann piano through repeated trial and error would be an excellent process to know and understand J.S. Bach deeply, to go beyond the meta-Bach figure, and to bring back the musical life of Bach. J.S. Bach as human personality is already nonexistent. But Bach as a musical personality is still alive. What does Bach want as musician? It can only be understood by Mr. Genzoh Takehisa as living musician only in this way. His understandings reach the audience in the form of sound. People are then touched by Bach's musical life.

One day he finds the answer by fine-tuning Silbermann's piano, and the next day he refutes the answer. In repeating so, Mr. Takehisa philosophizes. He comes to the conclusion that a true creator has an amazing ability to be able to struggle internally to achieve a desired result.

*<How did Mr. Takehisa renovate the Silbermann piano replica: Practical facts>

In terms fabricated by of sound, Mr. Takehisa replaced the strings with those fabricated by an old traditional method. This was because they would match the hollow and lightweight hammers of the replica of the Silbermann piano and satisfy the different dimensional requirements of a light, massive sound and a sweet, clear, cantabile sound. The hollow hammers were modified as well. They were initially covered with antelope leather, and later Mr. Takehisa tried different kinds of deerskin. Currently, he is using the leather of chamois, a type of antelope.

As for the action, Mr. Takehisa fine-tuned the middle lever to bring the escape point of the key dip as close as possible to the bottom of the key so that the pressure and movement of the fingers would be converted into the action in a more efficient way. He also improved the intermediate lever to enable a quick continuous movement amazingly up 13 hits per second.

In addition to these improvements to the strings and the action, there were also innovations that had a comprehensive impact on the piano's acoustics. It includes fine-tuning the hammer striking points, by which an ideal balance between a powerful base tone and rich overtones was achieved. Also to achieve a richer sounds, he also changed the bridging of the strings and replaced the damper felts with softer felts that he made himself. All those improvements enabled his Silbermann's piano to produce a lively, a more human-like sound.

Figure legend. From top to bottom. 

Fig. 1: A whole view of the Silbermann piano from the keyboard side

Fig. 2: The internal view of the Silbermann piano from the wing tip side

The strings are bridged so that some of them function as resonant strings. The red felt is used to prevent some of the strings from producing excessive resonant sound.

Fig. 3 An enlarged view of strings and damper array 

Fig. 4 To show the two parts separately, Mr. Takehisa lifts the action part on top of the keyboard part. 

Fig. 5 To achieve a light, heavy, sweet, and clear sound at the same time, Mr. Takehisa uses strings that are about 30% thicker than what is generally used for replica pianos of this era. 

Fig. 6: Note that the hammer heads is hollow. Hammerheads are covered with deerskin and the inner layer of the head is made of parchment. 

Fig. 7: Mr. Takehisa is fine-tunining the intermediate lever to achieve a rapid hits up to13 per second. He fine-tunes the intermediate lever to bring the escape point of the key dip as close as possible to the key bottom.

Fig. 8 Arrangement of hammer heads. In order to position the hammer's striking point at the most appropriate location of the strings to createa powerful fundamental and rich overtones, he shortened or lengthened the hammer shanks connecting to the hammer heads. As a result, the arrangement of the hammer heads became more curved, rather than straight like other keyboards.

Fig. 9 Damper Dampers work to sustain or stop the sound of a string. Mr. Takehisa replaced the felt of the dampers with softer ones that he developed himself. The red one is from the replica of the original, and the white one is the replaced one.

Fig. 10 Enlarged view of the damper. The upper one is Mr. Takehisa's softer one, and the lower one the original.