


キャンセル・人数変更の場合はコンサートの四日前までにキャンセル申出フォームお知らせください。例えばコンサートが日曜日であれば、その前の週の木曜日までです。例えば、8月20日(日)の公演であれば8月17日(木)までにお知らせいただけば、キャンセル料が派生しません。それを越えた場合 には、お申込み通りの料金を支払っていただきます。


コ ンサートホールの客席数は400席に限られています。そのために皆さんが申込み以降にキャンセル、申込み人数の変更をお知らせ下されば、その席を来場した い別の方に提供することができます。キャンセルのお知らせが私どもに届かないことが、頻繁ではありませんが、生じています。


For the reason to run this concert series in quality as high as possible and in admission fee as low as possible, we do not sell tickets but accept reservation on-line and return postcards only. You are to pay the admission fee on the day of the concerts. 

The concert hall seats are limited accommodating only 400 audience, and therefore we request you to let us know of your total cancellation or changes in the numbers of reservation so that you will have a chance to offer your cancelled seats to the prospective audience, especially in concerts expecting big audience. Cancellation without noticing us prior to the concert date is sometimes, not often though, experienced in our activity. 

Even though the admission fee is low and your reservation can be made without purchasing the ticket beforehand, such cancellation with out noticing us of is not sound thing to do as citizen. The below is our cancellation policy. 

Cancellation Policy UPDATED: Cancellation will not be accepted until 4 days before the concert.   In case we do not receive your notice till then you make reservation for , you will be requested to pay 100% of the admission fee of the total numbers you have pre-registered.  For example, for an August 20th Sunday concert, you are requested to notify us by email by August 17th Thursday.