Our Growing System

Generously supported by an NSF grant and the Plant Biology Lab of Elizabeth Veirling at the University of Massachusetts, we were able to purchase three racks of grow lights for our three 7th grade classrooms.

Here is a picture of the growing system we use. We like it because it is sturdy, rolls on wheels and the lights are bright enough to grow a variety of plants. Below are links to vendors for each of these items.

There are many ways to grow plants, and Wisconsin Fast Plants in particular. Here is a link to an incredible resource for growing Fast Plants with several different systems and discussion of the variables that go into growing healthy plants in school.

The main components of this system are:

Uline Chrome Mobile Shelving Units ($229 each)

The shelves are 4' by 1.5' and can hold two large growing trays each. It is 69" tall so it rolls through standard doorways.

Agrobrite Designer T5 216W 4' 4-Tube Fixture with Lamps (MSRP $156 each, though we bought them for less from Amazon)

These lights hold 4 high intensity T5 fluorescent fixtures. They are warm and so we purchased 1 inch Styrofoam sheets to cut and fit under each shelf to provide some insulation for the plants growing above.

Perma-Nest Plant Trays ($110 for 12 large trays)

These are sturdy green trays. We also bought many smaller trays, but find we mostly use the large ones so far.

Here's a slide show we share with our colleagues to help remember how to set things up when growing plants from seed with students.

Teacher guide for preparing for students growing fast plants