Period 8: 1945 - 1980

  • Period 8 is worth 15% of the AP Exam. This period will be covered in approximately 10 class periods.
    The College Board uses key concepts to denote the testable material for each period. The full, detailed version of these concepts are located here. Please take the time to know these concepts, as anything mentioned is fair game for the AP Exam.

    Key Concept 8.1– The United States responded to an uncertain and unstable postwar world by asserting and working to maintain a position of global leadership, with far-reading domestic and international consequences.

    Key Concept 8.2– New movements for civil rights and liberal efforts to expand the role of government generated a range of political and cultural responses.

    Key Concept 8.3– Postwar economic and demographic changes had far-reaching consequences for American society, politics, and culture

Period 8 Key Terms
Key terms that will be an invaluable study tool as we get closer to the AP exam in May. Each term should include the information provided on Quizlet.
Chapter 24

    1. “Long Telegram”

    2. Containment

    3. Iron Curtain

    4. NATO

    5. Truman Doctrine

    6. Marshall Plan

    7. Berlin Airlift

    8. Warsaw Pact

    9. Second Red Scare

    10. McCarthyism

    11. Bay of Pigs Operation

    12. Cuban Missile Crisis

Chapter 25

    1. Baby Boomers

    2. Taft-Hartley Act

    3. Fair Deal

    4. Military-industrial complex

    5. Korean War

    6. Levittown

    7. Brown v. Board of Education

    8. Montgomery Bus Boycott

    9. Martin Luther King Jr.

    10. Malcolm X

    11. Little Rock Nine

    12. Sit-ins

    13. SNCC

Chapter 26

    1. Domino theory

    2. Geneva Accords

    3. SEATO

    4. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    5. Ho Chi Minh Trail

    6. Tet Offensive

    7. My Lai Massacre

    8. Vietnamization

    9. Détente

    10. Ping Pong diplomacy

    11. Watergate

Chapter 27

    1. Great Society

    2. Warren Court

    3. Freedom Rides

    4. Birmingham campaign

    5. March on Washington

    6. Freedom Summer

    7. Civil Rights Act of 1964

    8. Voting Rights Act of 1965

    9. New Left

    10. Black Power

    11. National Organization of Women (NOW)

    12. American Indian Movement

    13. Chicano Movement/Cesar Chavez

Chapter 28

    1. SALT I

    2. MAD (mutually assured destruction)

    3. Camp David Accords

    4. Iranian Hostage Crisis

    5. Crisis of Confidence Speech

    6. ERA (Equal Rights Amendment)

    7. Roe v. Wade

    8. Stonewall Riots

    9. Religious Rights

    10. Iran-Contra Scandal

    11. Reaganomics

    12. Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty