Period 4: 1800 - 1848

  • Period 4 is worth 10% of the AP Exam. This period will be covered in approximately 8 class periods.
    The College Board uses key concepts to denote the testable material for each period. The full, detailed version of these concepts are located here. Please take the time to know these concepts, as anything mentioned is fair game for the AP Exam.

    Key Concept 4.1— The United States began to develop a modern democracy and celebrated a new national culture, while Americans sought to de ne the nation’s democratic ideals and change their society and institutions to match them.

    Key Concept 4.2— Innovations in technology, agriculture, and commerce powerfully accelerated the American economy, precipitating profound changes to U.S. society and to national and regional identities.

    Key Concept 4.3— The U.S. interest in increasing foreign trade and expanding its national borders shaped the nation’s foreign policy and spurred government and private initiatives.

Period 4 Key Terms

Key terms that will be an invaluable study tool as we get closer to the AP exam in May. Each term should include the information provided on Quizlet.

Chapter 7

  1. Revolution of 1800

  2. Louisiana Purchase

  3. Marbury v. Madison

  4. McCulloch v. Maryland

  5. Embargo Act of 1807

  6. War of 1812

  7. Hartford Convention

  8. Era of Good Feelings

  9. Monroe Doctrine

  10. Cotton gin

  11. Panic of 1819

  12. Missouri Compromise

Chapter 8

  1. Jacksonian Democrats

  2. Whigs

  3. Universal male suffrage

  4. Election of 1824

  5. American System – Henry Clay

  6. Election of 1828

  7. Spoils System

  8. Nullification Crisis

  9. Indian Removal Act of 1830

  10. Cherokee Cases (Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, Worcester v. Georgia)

  11. Jackson’s Bank Veto

Chapter 9

  1. Market Revolution

  2. Telegraph

  3. Lowell Girls

  4. Yeomen/tenant farmers

  5. Nat Turner’s Rebellion

Chapter 10

  1. Temperance

  2. Penitentiary

  3. Immediatism

  4. Gag rule

  5. Peculiar institution

  6. Seneca Falls Convention

  7. Declaration of Sentiments

  8. Transcendentalism