Period 7: 1890-1945

  • Period 7 is worth 21% of the AP Exam. This period will be covered in approximately 10 class periods.

    The College Board uses key concepts to denote the testable material for each period. The full, detailed version of these concepts are located here. Please take the time to know these concepts, as anything mentioned is fair game for the AP Exam.

    Key Concept 7.1– Growth expanded opportunity, while economic instability led to new efforts to reform U.S. society and its economic system.

    Key Concept 7.2– Innovations in communications and technology contributed to the growth of mass culture, while significant changes occurred in internal and international migration patterns.

    Key Concept 7.3– Participation in a series of global conflicts propelled the United States into a position of international power while renewing domestic debates over the nation’s proper role in the world.

Period 7 Key Terms
Key terms that will be an invaluable study tool as we get closer to the AP exam in May. Each term should include the information provided on Quizlet.

Chapter 18

    1. Progressives

    2. Federal Reserve Act

    3. Clayton Anti-Trust Act

    4. Scientific management

    5. Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

    6. Lochner v. New York

    7. Pure Food and Drug Act

    8. Muckrackers

    9. Plessy v. Ferguson

Chapter 19

    1. Imperialism

    2. Yellow journalism

    3. Spanish-American War

    4. Teller Amendment

    5. Treaty of Paris

    6. Platt Amendment

    7. White Man’s Burden

    8. Sphere of influence

    9. Open Door Policy

    10. Gentlemen’s Agreement

    11. Panama Canal

    12. Roosevelt Corollary

    13. New immigrants

    14. Big Stick Diplomacy

    15. Dollar Diplomacy

    16. Moral Diplomacy

Chapter 20

    1. Schlieffen Plan

    2. Lusitania

    3. Zimmerman Telegram

    4. Fourteen Points

    5. Committee on Public Information

    6. Espionage Act (1917)

    7. Sedition Act (1918)

    8. Spanish influenza

    9. Treaty of Versailles

    10. League of Nations

    11. Women’s suffrage

Chapter 21

    1. Prohibition/18thamendment

    2. 21stamendment

    3. Immigration Act of 1924

    4. First Red Scare

    5. Scopes Trial

    6. Harlem Renaissance

    7. Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)

    8. Washington Conference

    9. Kellogg-Briand Pact

Chapter 22

    1. Great Depression

    2. Bonus March

    3. New Deal

    4. Emergency Banking Act

    5. FDIC

    6. Social Security Act

    7. Security Exchange Commission

    8. Dust Bowl

    9. American Federation of Labor

    10. New Deal coalition

    11. Court packing

Chapter 23

    1. Non-interventionists

    2. Interventionists

    3. Neutrality acts

    4. “Cash and carry”

    5. Munich Conference

    6. Axis Powers

    7. Allies

    8. Lend-Lease

    9. Pearl Harbor

    10. Korematsu v. U.S.

    11. Manhattan Project

    12. A. Phillip Randolph (Double V Campaign)