
they don't float or sink

Felix worked hard to design a successful flinker - it took him 10 tries!

He says “I really liked the Flinker project because it was fun and I got to use all different materials. My Flinker didn’t float, but it didn’t sink, but it didn’t float either!“

Ms LaRocca is our first teacher to submit her work. She made this flinker. Her dog Desdemona makes a star appearance at the end.

It made her wonder if submarines were flinkers. What do you think?

Flinkers kept this family of three sisters entertained. The 2 year old wasn't much help but enjoyed it the whole time!

Sisters, Angelyn and Sadie, made these 2 flinkers. It took them about 40 minutes. Carrots and cupcake liners were some of their materials.

Their advice for future flinker makers? " Have the things that float more on the top, and have the things that sink more on the bottom"

Morgan made a successful flinker with an hour glass and binder clips.

He kept notes of the materials he tested before building his flinker

Josephine and Gregory sorted their materials first and then used a hot glue gun to build their flinkers.

Their advice? "Corks are very powerful" and "We need more glue sticks!"

My advice? Keep up the good work! You can try string to tie your materials together.